View Full Version : Hey There

10-02-2011, 04:17 PM
Hi guys, new member here. Thought to just find a site like this. I have had anxiety for about 5 years know, I'm 19 years old. I'm currently taking 20mg of Lexapro. I've been good, but recently have been drinking a lot and started to get panic attacks again thinking I was having a heart attack or something. I cut back on my drinking a lot but am still feeling anxious all the time. The only time I'm not is when I'm at home playing games or watching tv or something. I don't know why I'm not getting better because after a week or so I am fine. It's been two weeks since my last substantial panic attack. I just wanted to post this here because....Well to be honest I'm not sure just to talk to somebody i guess, ha. I don't know if this happens to anybody else but I always seem to get a little more anxious during the changing of the seasons.
Thanks to whoever reads this and post whatever.

10-02-2011, 05:30 PM
Are you involved in any sort of psychotherapy?

Have you tried any relaxation techniques? (Meditation, Yoga, Progressive Muscle Relaxation)

Have you tried reading any books about anxiety? Or perhaps dedicating time to learning about and researching anxiety and understanding more about how it works and why it happens? (Dr. Claire Weekes is apparently a good place to start if you want to learn more about anxiety, she has multiple books. I haven't read any of her books personally, but she seems to be regarded very highly by anxiety sufferers)

It's good that you've cut back on drinking. That will only mask anxiety and could leave you with a much larger problem down the road.

Also, it should be stated that medications are usually not the single long term solution for anxiety. Obviously benzos aren't a long term solution at all. And SSRIs probably shouldn't be considered the solitary treatment option.

If medication is the only tool you're using to control anxiety, you should probably consider moving forward with one of the additional options I've mentioned above.

Don't stop taking medications without consulting your doctor obviously. But just because you're taking an SSRI for anxiety doesn't mean that's all you have to do.

Also, not to be an alarmist, but if you've had anxiety for 5 years, your last panic attack was 2 weeks ago, and you're 19 years old... chances are your anxiety isn't just going to go away on its own anytime soon.

All the more reason to take an aggressive approach to dealing with this issue in your life so it doesn't slow you down in the future.

10-02-2011, 08:10 PM
I haven't tried anything per se. I started doing those worksheets that are part of the TEA program thing.
I read a book about anxiety about your heart(forget the name right now) but, i'm gonna order the Dr. Claire Weekes book now. I understand that it's not going to disappear. but, i just have lingering anxiety right now and it usually does go away. I am not currently in any sort of psychotherapy groups. I usually talk to my father who had horrible anxiety when he was younger. When there was really nothing to do for it, so he helps me a lot. I'm trying to go out just to feel better when I'm out. Obviously when I'm busy, such as at work, I'm usually fine. Thank you for your feedback.

10-02-2011, 09:44 PM
my anxiety quadruples during the changing of season! especially during the fall and winter! it is terrible! i am experiencing this sooo bad right now but am hoping it doesnt last a while! you are lucky you have a dad you could talk to about your anxiety who can give you tips. !!! i have read hope and help for your nerves by dr claire weekes and it does help! i wish she was still around she probably could have really cured anxiety sufferers!

10-03-2011, 08:09 AM
Glad I'm not the only one who gets more anxious during the changing of the seasons. I ordered that book and it should be here tomorrow. From what everyone has said on this site about this author and this book I'm really excited to get some good help from it. Can't wait. Thanks everybody.

10-08-2011, 09:28 PM
I finally got the book(Hope and Help For Your Nerves) and I loved it! It helped me like crazy a couple days later and i felt almost back to normal. Now, my anxiety is still here but with these coping techniques it can really help. It won't happen over night, but it will. I absolutely recommend this book to anybody and everybody.