View Full Version : scared

10-02-2011, 02:41 PM
Hello i posted last nite about my parents going away.

I have been sort of ok all day, not brilliant but ok.

Now its gone dark and nearly bedtime, and my mum and dad have foned i feel really emotional and a bit poorly, headache and just feel sick with worry as i am scarwd i am going to die, mainly worried about dying in my sleep. Please help me im so scared i dont know what i am going to do. Please could someone who has experienced this pls reply to my message and either advise me or help me on what to do. I am so scared, i even have my cousin staying here tonight.

Please reply i beg u xx

10-02-2011, 03:16 PM
Hey gemma!

I've felt exactly how you've felt now. Almost word for word. I remember the sheer terror I felt. Let me tell you something though. Let me assure you something.


Telling yourself that won't make it go away, but always keep it in mind. You will wake up again tomorrow, no matter how convinced you are tragedy is awaiting you. The truth is, when the body is as worked up as it is now, not much can stop it. I want you to remind yourself you've gone into over drive. All thats happened is somebody has pressed the panic button in your mind. Adrenaline is coursing through your body, thats all. It can't last forever though. It will burn up, and leave you tired.

If you feel really badly, keep all the lights on, it helped me, put something comforting on tv. Maybe even get under a blanket, huddle up and just feel that small amount of comfort. I'll be around tonight, as we have a heatwave here in London, so I won't be sleeping anyway!

10-02-2011, 03:45 PM
Thanks so much for the advice, im starting to get really tired now.
I have had all this before and im still here, so i dont know why i cant get it into my head that ill be ok.

Aww u live in london? I live in manchester! Its so hot isnt it!!xx

10-02-2011, 03:54 PM
Thanks so much for the advice, im starting to get really tired now.
I have had all this before and im still here, so i dont know why i cant get it into my head that ill be ok.

Aww u live in london? I live in manchester! Its so hot isnt it!!xx

It's no problem :) I sympathize so much with how you feel, as I'm sure others do on here. It really can, and will get better. I've said on another thread, my anxiety got so bad, I begged them to lock me in the hospital, as I was convinced I was about to drop dead, and when they said they couldn't, I tried to get sectioned!! haha. I can laugh a little about it now, but at the time it really was horrific. I tried lots of different things, and eventually, you find a couple that work, and soon the body begins to heal. I really believe in the healing process when you find a few things that stick :) That being said, even now I occassionally sleep with the light on, solely out of habit hehe.

The weather here is truly amazing. My calandar says October 2nd, and here I am with all my windows and doors open, in shorts sipping on cold water. I keep having to remind myself it's not July and in a few days the cold weather will be here! :)

10-02-2011, 05:37 PM
Im not as scared now, im not sure why. I think your post helped! Thanks.

I have just got in bed its soo hot, Im sleeping in my mum & dads room tonight as my cousin and her bf are staying over, and they have a ceiling fan, which im hoping will cool me down!

Yes apparantly there is snow forcast for later in the week :confused:

Are u on tablets from the dr to help with ur anxiety?x

10-03-2011, 03:27 PM
Glad you made it through the night :) Distraction is always a good technique to try and pass the time. At my worst I would literally count down the hours until I could sleep and be rid of it all for a few hours. If I could ever find something a good show, or movie, and sort of zone out for a couple of hours, it was a God-send lol

I did take tablets for anxiety. I'll be honest, as good as holistic methods are, I really don't think that alone would have budged my severe anxiety. I remember trying to meditate and sobbing throughout. When I went to the hospital that night, I think they weren't gonna let me just ignore things, so I got prescribed an anti-depressant (took me about 5 tries to find one that helped) and I got the customary pot of Valium, which I never really took. It didn't really do too much, the best way I could describe it would be that it turned the volume down. Severe anxiety is like alarm bells ringing at MAX volume on your speakers. It's all encompassing, you can't breathe let alone think rationally. The anti-depressant turned the volume down to about 6. I still had lots and lots to work through, but I could at least slowly tackle things now, without being utterly overwhelmed and hysterical.

What treatment have you tried?

Snow later this week. Thats just utterly crazy!!! :O