View Full Version : Help Me Please...

10-01-2011, 09:19 PM

I am a long term anxiety sufferer.

My parents have just gone away for a week and i am staying at home by myself. i am worried sick that im going to die, or not wake up when i go to sleep.

I go out every weekend with friends and like to get drunk, i have just come back in, and i dont know whether it is due to the drinking that i feel like this.

I also went to see a clairvoyant last week, she told me lots of positive things, and said that my cards were good and told me stuff that would happen in the future.

My friend went aswell, and she was told that a female close to her would pass away or be ill, and said "J" Now im worried that its going to be me, as my name begins with G, But can also be spelt with J.

Please help me and or give me advice as i am so so scared!x

10-01-2011, 10:16 PM
Hello.Im just wondering how old you are.For a start drinking alcohol will only make things worse its better if you can avoid it. I had those same feelings a few nights ago. I felt like i was going to die. Its anxiety.As for the clairvoyant, that is not good practice telling people stuff like that.I would try and forget all of that most of these so called clairvoyants are full of s..t. Do you have a friend that can stay with you until your parents get home? Try and have a distraction like go for a walk, watch a funny movie, or nice music phone a friend etc. I hope this is some help. Best wishes and stay away from clairvoyants if you can.