View Full Version : embarassing.. need alternative to biting my nails

10-01-2011, 03:24 AM
I have to find a way to stop biting my nails or picking my acne. I only get a couple here or there but I can't leave them alone sometimes. Has anyone found a way to stop this bad habit without having to take a med in the moment? Are there any hobbies or activities that relieve that same urge inside???

10-02-2011, 09:39 PM
i used to be a nail biter until the H1n1 flu virus came around. Hahah anxiety is a powerful thing i was soo scared to bite my nails because i did not want to get the swine flu. Maybe try some sunflower seeds! they are pretty good and will do the trick! But warning you will not be able to put them down once you start.! mmm get the flavored ones especially!

10-13-2011, 03:54 AM
i twirl my hair like its my lifes mission! lol i have to cut out so many knots theres no time for nail biting :)