View Full Version : Help. new fears.

09-30-2011, 04:13 PM
feel empty. I cry a lot. I constantly feel like i am dreaming. I feel so hopeless. I have gad, depression, and anxiety. I feel like i am never going to get better or that i wont even know what feeling better feels like. I can't even get out of the house, it makes the feeling of being unreal worse. I just want to get better and i feel like i am so alone in feeling like this. please help.
My newest fear is that i am going to snap and go crazy like people on rampages do.

10-01-2011, 09:44 AM

Stop talking yourself into pieces and start learning to talk yourself into peace .

I think this part is huge. I was very similar as you are now, I would cry in the middle of class. Cry in the middle of a shower. Cry stroking my pet. As I look back at it now, I realize how much I talked myself into an utter state. I would focus on things that upset me, and tell myself conclusions. I would tell myself very fatal things, focus on how I had upset people, how I would never do things etc. Basically a cauldron of negativity. I don 't think it's really our fault, as it's a trap we fall into. We feel bad so we tell ourselves bad things. We tell ourselves bad things so we feel bad. The trap continues. But, as Forwells said, eventually our education has to advance, and then we have a responsibility to take change slowly, and to grow..

Now, I think I still have nervous behaviours, and depressive behaviours, they don't just vanish, the difference now is I talk them down very very quickly. And they last seconds, at most. Positive thinking isn't the whole cure, but learning good thinking habits will definitely make things easier.

I just wanted to chime in on that once point, and offer my experience. I hope you feel better soon :)