View Full Version : ARGH!!!!!! HELP. What am I doing wrong? :(

09-30-2011, 06:26 AM
Okay, I don’t know how else to explain it. I am HOLDING BACK. I am NOT LETTING GO. I am holding it all in right now. It is not being released, my body is feeling incredibly stressed, I am barely functioning, but I am most likely getting by because I am disconnected from myself. The only reason I am getting alive day to day is because I AM NOT ACTUALLY ME right now. But I do not know what I am doing to prolong this. Someone just please tell me! Yes, I already know I have an anxiety disorder,
I do not think therapists or anyone know what I am going through. I am NOT experiencing anxiety but I actually am AND THAT’s THE PROBLEM! That’s the stressor. I can’t let go because I DON’T KNOW HOW!!!
Look, everyday is hell. I feel no safety whatsoever. I wake up in the morning, and constantly worry non stop. I feel insane amount of stress buildup that is NOT BEING LET go. I feel it all throughout my body. All I know is that I have always tried to control the way I feel. My insides feel extremely stressed all over, and I feel like I will be this way until I let go. I have controlled my anxiety my WHOLE life through many different things. I have resorted to binge eating, video games, relationships, and many other things to find safety. Right now, I do not feel safe at all but I want to. I wish someone would understand – I AM CONTROLLING MY ANXIETY. I do not want to control it anymore. I want to let go. My body cannot take this anymore. As each day passes my body gets more and more stressed because I am in control and so is my anxiety. I truly believe there is a simple answer to this, but someone needs to tell me because I don’t realize it.

Right now, I should be ripping my hair out, biting my nails, being incredibly frustrated, but I actually am not. It's ALL BEING HELD INSIDE and not being released.

Okay, right now my hands are SUPPOSED to be trembling but they aren’t. Right now I should be feeling all sorts of odd sensations and feelings but I am not. I am but I’m not – does that make sense? I’m afraid but I am not. I am experiencing anxiety but I am not. I am super stressed but I am not. I am experiencing feelings of fear and panic but I actually am not. I am acting anxious but I am not acting anxious as I really am. I feel afraid but I am not. The inside of my body feels INCREDIBLY STRESSED, all my muscles feel extremely tight, compacted. I feel so uncomfortable but I am not in my body. I constantly write about how I feel all day trying to figure out my condition because I can't let go. MEDS ARE USELESS because I won't let go. I truly think I could handle this if I could just let go. I no longer want to be in control but I am. My brain feels so much tension and pressure. But on the outside I am a seemingly normal functioning individual. You would look at me and think “there’s no way this is really going on with this guy”. But IT IS! And that’s what confusing. I am preventing it from letting go – but HOW??

I’ll get no where in therapy if I don’t first let go. Yes, I am afraid to let go of control, but I don’t know what I’m doing to hold it back. It’s not that complicated but I can’t seem to see the truth.

DOES this help explain now what’s going on and why I feel the way I do??

Pretend that someone just randomly came up to you and said all this. What do you think is wrong with them?? When I controlled my anxiety with binge eating, once I quit binge eating my anxiety came into play and broke out. So, I stopped binge eating (gave up my control method) to let my anxiety come into play. What am I doing now to control this?

If someone is afraid of dogs, you expose them to dogs multiple times to lose their fear of dogs. Eventually, they become unafraid. If I am afraid of fear, how do I face fear? Do I say something? Do something? If I am afraid of anxiety, how do I face anxiety? Do you see what I'm saying?

I just typed out either the answer, or the question I am looking for. Can someone please tell me what the question might be, or the answer, or both? THANKS!

10-01-2011, 02:45 AM
Oh wow, you seem to have racing or obsessive thoughts. In order to let go as you say, you need to try different approaches, such as the gym, meditation, , journal, and yes medication and therapy. I don't believe meds or therapy are a waste. I believe some people try one or two or three meds and then just give up. It can take a year to find the right med for you, it did for me. I wish you the best in finding your recovery. Don't give up!!

10-05-2011, 09:54 AM
Hi sfan88,

You sound exactly like what i am feeling most of the time nowadays, My inside feels like a war going on, but my outside looks normal or to people it looks great, when i tell them my present inner sufferings they cant seem to understand, as i don't look a bit uneasy...only a bit anxious or angry as they cant understand me...Not their fault at all, as its plain old friend anxiety back for a visit...this time i am not fearing it at all so no panic attacks, just crazy anxiety sensations...So I understand you fully my friend...Hold on!!!

But this is all because of stress & worrying thoughts which are constantly fueling it, its starts with it and in few days all my sensations and symptoms get heightened and i feel crazy....
With me its all about health anxiety...which constantly worries me and adds fuel to my anxiety and flares it up...

I experienced all the sensations you wrote down and much more, but when i divert my mind and do something interesting i get back to my normalcy and feel like my old self...but as soon as i am done with that interesting work i get back to the shity sensations, I do power walking and run for 30 mins nonstop when i feel crazy head and ear pressure and when i finish my exercise i feel great and refreshed...but again when i finish my workout after sometime i get back my sensations....Even i am stuck in this crazy loop my friend....

But i guess its all my stress due to constant health worry & fear that i may collapse which keeps my anxiety high....i had overcome all the anxiety fears which used to nag me...but again these things are raising their heads....I am not taking any meds but only some health sups...I think its time to add some new sup to my Daily health diet..keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Hope you find a way through your current suffering too ....God Bless!!!