View Full Version : Anxiety Caused by Fatigue?

09-30-2011, 12:08 AM
Does anybody here have problems with anxiety CAUSED by fatigue (rather than fatigue caused by anxiety)? I find that I'm fine most of the day, but my anxiety flares up at the end of the day. It's worse on the days when I've had to use a lot of emotional energy and not so bad on the days that are more relaxed. I especially feel it if I'm just coming down off a big project.

For some reason, a glass of wine usually makes it go away (but don't worry, I NEVER have more than one per day, and never more than 2 - 3 times a week). Could it be biochemical rather than psychological? Does your brain maybe produce less of some chemical when you're tired? What can I do to stay afloat at the end of the day?

BTW, I'm not on any medications.

09-30-2011, 01:04 AM
I used to find myself getting a anxious at the end of a big day where I have used a lot a brain power. I put mine down to subconciously questioning why I was tired and should I be tired and that would trigger anxiety. But in saying that your cycadium rythum can make you tired, low blood sugar levels and general fitness can also make you tired.

What I now do is make sure I have a my lunch and smoko breaks. I can sit at my desk for 8 hours which is not good. Having a walk outside on these breaks can be fantastic as the outside air and sun seems to refresh the mind and body. If I notice myslef getting particularly stressed I might do some Mindfullness meditation for 10-15 minutes which really helps to bring my awareness back to the present moment and not caught up in my thoughts. I often do this with my eyes open so no one thinks I am having a nap.

What we should also remember is that everyone gets tired and lethargic at the end of a big day. It's how we let our mind percieive the feelings that matters.

09-30-2011, 01:49 AM
Get to sleep by 10:00 p.m. and sleep in whenever possible. Avoid the afternoon slump by taking 1000 mg of Vitamin C + 1000 mg of Calcium Magnesium with a snack at 2:00 p.m

09-30-2011, 09:10 AM
For sure, when you're tired (mentally or physically) adrenaline often comes to the rescue. Only.. being how we are, it turns into anxiety or creates symptoms of anxiety, rather than being just a small much needed boost for us.

I had this in Vegas. Wasn't sleeping, and would get jolts of panic. My body was trying to keep me awake, but it was instead being expressed as anxiety.

09-30-2011, 07:28 PM
That's all good advice, and I'll be sure to take it into consideration. But it makes me wonder why a glass of wine at the end of the day clears the anxiety right up. It doesn't even make me that tipsy: it feels more like it biochemically restores whatever was out of balance in my brain, and everything feels normal again. I sometimes worry that I might be developing an unhealthy dependence on alcohol, but I feel better even after just a few sips, and I never crave a second glass. Any thoughts?

10-01-2011, 02:50 AM
I have to agree with u nascar. I think its biochemical for sure. There's either too much or too little of something that causes the anxiety after a long, busy, stressful day. Maybe u can find something to replace the alcohol like sleepy tea or meditation or st johns wort or even that magnesium I hear a lot about.

10-02-2011, 07:38 PM
I often wonder if it is the mind shift involve in the glass of wine (refocussing from the stress related thoughts). Think of though process involved. The anticipation of the wines taste. The smell as you lift the glass to your mouth. The texture and feeling of the cold wine glass in your hand. The taste of the wine as it hits your tongue then your analysis of whether it is a good drop or not. Also the fact that the wine has always been associated with relaxation, a bit like sitting and looking at a sunset or watching the waves come in on a beach. When i gave up smoking many years ago just having a pen between my fingers offered the sence of relaxations that the cigarette did.

For me a simple mind shift can stop a force 10 anxiety attack of that feeling of utter dread in a matter of seconds. It can be like turning off a light switch.