View Full Version : Medicating Anxiety

09-28-2011, 08:24 AM
Hi Folks

I need to ask some things, I am a 24 year old male, I suffer from Hyperlipidemia, and Hypertension. I was diagnosed last year with GAD, and I suffer in the form of constant chest pain.
I am on Urbanol twice daily, and recently stopped paxil.
Yesterday I went to see my shrink, and he has put me on chronic meds for Anxiety, but I am worried about the meds.
He has put me on Zyprexa 5mg twice daily. Now from what I read about this stuff,it's kind of hectic! I also see that it's not primarily prescribed or FDA approved for anxiety!
It is used to treat Bipolar and Schitso!
Is there anyone that is using these meds that can give me re-assuring feedback, and not tell me that it makes you eat like a dog, and gives diabetes, before I start taking it....?!

10-01-2011, 02:54 AM
I have gad and possibly cyclothymia and I'm on a bipolar med also (abilify) and recently added celexa an antidepressant and xanax for the anxiety. The abilify also puts me at risk for high blood sugar and increases my appetite but the meds seem to help my anxiety and depression so I don't mind watching my sugar levels. I would also note that I see a renound psychiatrist who really knows his stuff