View Full Version : Life as i know it feels like its over :(

09-28-2011, 03:40 AM
Hi, this is first time i have posted even though been tempted for last 2 months. I am living a constant nightmare since having a panic attack 2 months ago. I was having an afternoon nap, i was so exhausted and was having heart palpirtations as i slept. I awoke in a sheer panic but didnt no why, it was like something in my head had clicked!! i calmed myself down after about 10mins. But my head felt really strange!! i had post concussion syndrome 4years ago after getting a kick behind my left in playing football. that lasted about 6months of not feeling right and was very scary. All them feelings seem to have come back but even worse and constant and it aches in the area that got kicked. feels like that part of my brain isnt functioning properly!! im scared this is true as never had a scan or anything to prove otherwise. even though i tell myself that was 4 years ago and have been fine since, the feelings wont go away. Doctor said its anxiety which i guess it must be but feelings feel so real. Its on my mind constantly. I feel like im in a constant scary nightmare, i have really bad depersonalization, nothing seems real like im doing everything in auto pilot, Constant dreaded fears like im never going to feel the same again, lose my job, never be able to have a relationship, family or children. I feel so alone, even though have good family and freinds i feel like i am a burden to them keep constanly talking about it but hard when its the only thing on my mind, if i try and think of anything else my mind wont really let me, or thinks of it anxiously or with fears of dread. Its hard to imagine feeling normal again as so constant and feels so perminant!! i am still somehow working but getting harder as so hard when constantly feeling and thinking like this, work makes it worse instead of taking mind of it. I still try and do things like play football, but even though i can do it physically it doesnt help take my mind of it and the depersonalization and surrealness seem even worse. Nothing seems to help, i somehow make it through the day and get a bit of sleep but then bam feelings and thoughts are there as worse than ever when wake up!!Don't know how long i can carry on like this, my life seems over. Will i ever get over this??

09-28-2011, 03:41 AM
*kicked behind my left ear

09-28-2011, 09:34 PM
Hi there! im sorry to hear your feeling like this. i know the feeling all to well! Just be assured it does go away. BUT IN TIME. you have to accepting that this is how you are going to feel for a little while, stop worrying about if your going ever gonna get better or of all the things that could go wrong because of it. none of it is true. it is going to go away. for me it was like it came off in layers, if that makes any sense. it was really bad in the beginning, and slowly over time the feelings became less and less intense. mine started about 7 months ago. and it's pretty much gone now. please dont freak out thinking that sounds like such a long time and your not gonna be able to cope. you will. and as long as you stop worrying it gets better each and everyday. dont put your life on hold. keep doing what you would be doing if the anxiety wasn't there, it may not feel the same for now, but it will in time i promise. get on anxietycentre.com it helped me sooooooo much! keep your head up, you will be just fine!

09-29-2011, 04:27 AM
Thank you acasey that is the inspiration i have been looking for :) my mind just seems obssesed about it and wont let me think of anything else(which makes me keep researching and i know this makes it worse) whatever im doing its there, playing football, rock climbing i can physically do it but Its hard when it feels so real, like if you was blind your going to have anxiety about it because its there constantly with no escape. Thanks again

10-10-2011, 06:02 PM
hey dhodson84.

i feel the same, life as we know it feels like it is coming to an end, and there is no escape, it is very dark.

but there will be a brighter day i promise.

i am currently getting treated for health anxiety, having someone to talk to makes this so much better :)

people with anxiety think the same things i have noticed ( well alot of them do )

im always here to talk :)

10-15-2011, 01:50 PM
Thanks victor,

Im still really struggling had a really bad few weeks as had convinced myself got it permently after reading about derealization!! im doing my best to try and unconvince myself but hard when u read negative things. They are the ones that seem to stick in your head when anxious!! knew i should have stopped researching but sometimes the only slight release

10-15-2011, 10:50 PM
it WILL get better, it takes time and patience and a lot of hard work, but you will make it through ! i ended up locked in my bedroom for 3 months and couldnt even go outside the front door, and now , very slowly, i am getting out more and more, making new friends and stating a new life, and i can honesty say i think my new life will be better than my old one, My priorities have chaged, i take pleasure from the simplest of things now. Keep remembering it is just anxiety doing this to you.
i dont know if you have tried meditation at all , but it has helped me a fair bit (i had never done it before).
always remember you are not alone ! we are all here to help, and will help in any way we can. I lost every single one of my friends when i became 'sick' and have found support from a lot of lovely online friends who have managed to get me out of the house and back moving forward again.
And remember, google is the devil LOL it was hard work but i feel sooo much better since i stopped googling symptoms (it was hard to stop though i must admit0 but i havent done it for 3 months now.
Feel free to contact me whenever you like if you need a bit of support or a chat xx

10-16-2011, 07:23 PM
Sometimes my head feels strange. Mostly on the left side, kind of like pins and needles. I can relate to strange sensations.

The "what ifs" are what makes this condition trying. I to have searched around in hope of finding out what is wrong and what I can do. It can make you feel worse off and counterproductive. I don't do these thing as much anymore.

Life will get better for you. It takes time and work. I'm still working with it. The bad feelings will lessen. Like acasey described it as like layers, layers of severity peeling off. You'll notice some mild elation and freedom as time goes by.

10-16-2011, 11:14 PM
i havent researched so hard until i got my anxiety, and the NEWS is the worst thing for anxiety just putting it out there!

Lately i have been researching ( lol ) on foods that help soothe your anxiety, they consist of vegetables and fruit and healthy stuff, keep away from the caffeine because it will make it worse, i cant wait till the day i am relieved of this crappy feeling :'(

its just so hard to do anything anymore. my derealization has gone down dramatically, but the chest pains have gotten worse.

i just dont know what to do anymore, its hard work, and we gotta keep faith!

10-17-2011, 11:35 PM
i havent researched so hard until i got my anxiety, and the NEWS is the worst thing for anxiety just putting it out there!

Lately i have been researching ( lol ) on foods that help soothe your anxiety, they consist of vegetables and fruit and healthy stuff, keep away from the caffeine because it will make it worse, i cant wait till the day i am relieved of this crappy feeling :'(

its just so hard to do anything anymore. my derealization has gone down dramatically, but the chest pains have gotten worse.

i just dont know what to do anymore, its hard work, and we gotta keep faith!

Cutdown or quit on caffine and sugar. Exercise 30 mins a day or more. Walking counts. Eat fresh veggies fruits. Seek counceling get medication if needed. I take Citalopram but it has strange side effects but I have alot fewer panic episodes like I'm gonna die.
Anxiety sucks but there are alot worse problems

10-25-2011, 07:23 PM
I completely understand about the crazy fears. I have a job and it was really hard at first and then it has been better. Yesterday I received a verbal warning for e-mailing my co-workers (had i known i wasn't suppose to I wouldn't have been doing it). I had already been walking on egg shells and now that i have proof that I can get in trouble I am terrified of getting fired. I couldn't get myself to go to work today because I am so scared. When I have anxiety attacks or feel anxious I cry. I don't have the heart racing or shortness of breath. Its really embarrassing and I fear crying in front of my co-workers because it makes people feel awkward. I have to make myself go tomorrow and I am scared to death. I was having really bad thoughts today and luckily i have an amazing boyfriend. I am giving this stupid job too much power. I need to take the power back. Its really hard when your boss nor HR really understand what is going on. They try to tell me to stop worrying but telling me to stop worrying is like telling a diabetic to make more insulin. It does get better. Its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and still is even though I have been through these downs several times. I always think its never going to get better--my counselor makes me focus on the facts that I have been better in the past and this too will pass. I am on meds and think I need to be. Anxiety isn't the worst thing you could have but I would rather have something that is social accepted like diabetus where I have numbers to prove myself. I don't know. Hopefully this helps.