View Full Version : Sleeping and night anxiety

09-28-2011, 01:05 AM
I've been perfectly fine during the day. It's just that when nights starts to roll around i start to feel really bad. It's mainly to do with my sleeping. In the past month I've had a lot of trouble when it came to sleeping. Then after i few doctor visits my doctor finally convinced me i was totally healthy and i'm just over thinking everything. She put me on Melatonin and everything after that was fine. I was finally able to sleep without waking up 3 hours later. Now after almost a month of no sleeping trouble it comes back. This time it's not about staying asleep. It's just getting to sleep. For over a week now it seems like it's taking way to long to get to sleep and i have no idea why it gets under my skin so much. Not even the Melatonin is doing the job anymore, and that scares me. I would be asleep an hour or so after taking it, but now i'm still finding myself awake hours later. I keep thinking "when if it gets harder and harder to get to sleep from now on?" Will I be like this forever?" Thoughts like those really freak me out. I'm always up to like 6 am trying to sleep and it's so lonely. It really just makes me feel terrible. So any tips and positive feedback will be greatly appreciated.

09-28-2011, 05:46 AM
Hi there, I feel your pain. I too get late night anxiety that sometimes keeps me from sleeping. Over time I discovered that Mine stemmed from obsessive thoughts, overanalyzing things and a serious hate of my job. I quit that job and got on trazadone as well as an anti-depressant and an anxiety med and that has totally helped my sleeping. I am sometimes drowsy during the day, but I'd take that over insomnia any day! I hope this helps and we're all here for you.