View Full Version : am i losing my mind? I really need answers.

09-26-2011, 11:00 AM
I am diagnosed with gad, depression, and ocd. For the past month i have been feeling like i am in a dream.I am able to function i just feel unreal doing it. Being away from home makes it worse. I feel like i am losing my touch with reality. My vision has been very fuzzy. I feel like i am never going to get better. I am so hopeless. My memory also sucks. I really don't know what to do. am i ever going to get better? i feel like i am losing my mind.

09-26-2011, 11:32 AM
I am not an expert, but I do know this: yes, you are going to get better. The things you are describing are actually very common, and I have experienced them all. I know the feeling of hoplessness, but you need to know that there are A LOT of people out there who are experiencing the same things you are, my self included. The fact that you are posting this comment proves that you are trying to find answers and get help, and that is a good first step! What you are doing now is really good. The first thing I did when I noticed I really had a problem I needed to deal with was doing the exact same thing as you. I was looking around on the internet to find answers, I felt like I was just imagining the problems I had and that I was doomed to be this way for the rest of my life. Seeing that a lot of people had the same problem as me and that a lot of people in even worse situtations than me worked to get better and actually got cured was really good to read.

From personal experience, it doesn't work to try to take a huge step towards getting better. I tried to get better that way, but it just made me fall even harder when I failed. Make small changes in your life - things you know will make you feel better. The feeling of accomplishments on even the smallest tasks helped me a great deal. I use cognitive therapy when dealing with my anxiety, and it has worked wonders for me. You should talk to a therapist and find the right treatment for you.

Know this: what you are doing now is a very good first step to getting better. Everytime you challenge yourself trying to get better you are one step closer to your goal. I don't know exactly what it is that makes you anxious, but I know that you can get better.

Please feel free to ask if there is anything else on your mind. I will try to answer from personal experience :)

09-26-2011, 11:36 AM
Thank you so much for replying. I feel so miserable right now. You really made me realize that i am not alone. It's just so hard to go through.

09-26-2011, 12:41 PM
Hi Carol. I have depression and anxiety, and I know that when you are "in it", it's very hard to feel any hope at all. For me, it's like wading through thick water - every step is so hard, and you feel like nothing will ever change. When I was in that state of mind, I would literally be unable to see any hope or reason to keep trying. I want you to know that things WILL get better. I am in therapy now and taking meds - it takes time, but there are more and more happy days. I'm able to think now, "I am going to get through this." If you keep reaching out, and learning more about your diagnoses and your options for treatment - I know you'll find yourself again. :)

09-26-2011, 04:36 PM
I am in therapy. I am just so damn hopeless right now. I can't stand this feeling. It is ruling my life. I am scared that i wont even know what feeling better feels like.

09-27-2011, 01:17 PM
You are certainly not alone thats for sure. Being away from home sends me in a tiz to. Have you tried any relaxation methods, tapes or deep breathing? These can help maybe not straight away but in time. Also have you tried meds i know some people say stay away but they have helped me.

09-27-2011, 01:24 PM
I am taking zoloft,seroquel, and klonopin. I guess they haven't started working yet. I have been on them for a month. Before that i was on lexapro.

09-27-2011, 02:45 PM
I take sertraline 150mg it did start working after 2 weeks but took to about 8 weeks to fully kick in, so there is still hope yet! I still have my bad days but i just tell myself im just having a bad day and tomorrow will be better,don't beat yourself up about it. The trouble with anxiety is it can seem to happen overnight but it takes time and effort to get rid of it,you have to work on looking after yourself and taking time each day to relax! It will get better.

09-27-2011, 03:56 PM
hi and sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment. As the others have said you are not alone and you will get better. You should congratulate yourself though as you have already taken positive steps in your recovery by seeing a therapist and talking on this forum. Every step forward, however small is always a step in the right direction. You will get better and like my therapist said to me you will not loose your mind from anxiety.

One thing I found was that once you stop struggling and trying to get rid of that doom or anxiety feeling it becomes much easier. I had panic attacks that used to last 4-5 days then like clicking my fingers the attack stopped, all because I stopped dwelling on what i was feeling. It take practice but it does work. Remember your mind is just telling stories, everyone's mind does, it is whether we believe the stories that it is telling us that makes the difference. And the stories that anxiety tells us always feel so real which is why they feel so bad. But you will get better and you are a lot stronger than you think. This feeling will go.

09-28-2011, 05:53 AM
This was a really useful post for me too, thank you all for writing. I dont know WHAT I would do without this forum, just wished I'd found it sooner.