View Full Version : Panic attack-first day at work!!!!new job

09-26-2011, 08:36 AM
I have had anxiety this year and have been getting panic attacks. I work in Beauty and today I started a new job. Everything was going good until I had a walk in client for an eyebrow wax. She was so rude to begin with,barely said hello when I introduced myself so this made me nervous. Got into the room and I noticed it was hot wax they use (I am more used to cool wax) but I also had used this wax before but wouldn't be 100percent confident. So I began the wax and she said it was very painfull (rudely). This made me very nervous and my hands started shaking like a leaf,really bad and my heart was racing and I was sweating. I could barely tweeze and it was so embarrressing. She went to the counter and told reception that I was shaky and terrible at the wax. She said it was a weird experience and she is freaked out. I was so embarresed and ashamed so I pretended she was crazy and rude after she left.they believed me but it looks so bad on my first day. I afraid when I go in they will fire me tomorrow. Has anyone had a similar experience and what did you do? Should I tell my boss what it was? I don't think I can because I don't know her and she could think I'm crazy.

09-26-2011, 01:26 PM
Hey Britney. I know exactly how you feel. I have incredibly bad anxiety as well and first days at a new job are stressful enough as it is.

I want you to know that these things happen to everyone. I think most people have nightmare first day stories. For us, little things can feel completely catastrophic, and I know I can very easily go into "Crisis Mode." Try and take a deep breath and relax yourself tonight. Congratulate yourself for getting through it. That lady sounds like an absolute demon, what an awful person to run into on your first day! If you can, try and separate your feelings of shame and embarrassment from your experience with her. Her rudeness and sour attitude is NOT your fault. She would've complained even if you had a Bachelor's degree in eye waxing, from the sounds of it. I am so sorry you had to deal with this your first day. But you hung in there girl, give yourself a pat on the back for that.

The situation will probably not even be brought up by your boss. Sometimes customers are just bad apples. Whether to initiate a conversation to your boss or a workmate about what happened, is up to you. I have had situations where I have mentioned my anxiety to my boss when I started a job. Usually, they are very accommodating, and tell me that everyone is nervous at first and not to worry. I have had one boss who was completely atrocious about it. So I've found it best to just say "I'm a little nervous" or "I was a little nervous" if I need to. Nobody's gonna give you slack for that.

The first day is the hardest. Anxiety and the first day on a job is a hard mix, but you got through it! Keep pluggin' along, you'll do just fine. :)

09-26-2011, 05:01 PM
Hey Britney. I certainly wouldn't feel bad as you are not alone.

One thing I would like to say is though anyone starting a new job will be nervous. Using something that your haven't before will also make anyone nervous. Remember that what you are feeling is totally normal but your anxiety just make it feel worse than it really is. Plus think of how anyone would feel when a customer is rude to them. You would feel bullied and pretty terrible, anxiety or not. But there are lots of people out there with ugly souls so we just have to deal with that, unfortunately.

I was watching a TV show the other night of a RAAF fighter pilot who was about to fly a WWII spitfire for the first time. Now this guy has flown in Iraq, afganistan etc but he was so nervous and restlous for hours before getting into the spitfire.. I thought to myself, wow, he is an expert pilot, trained to be calm yet even he is nervous doing something new.

I guess what I am trying to say is that with anxiety we tend to forget what the normal reaction to situations would be because our anxiety mind tries to play tricks on us. If I get anxiety these days I ask myself what others would feel if they were in my situation. It's a bit Like when i was about to get on a roller coaster a while back. I was quietly feaking out (heart rate racing, hot, sweaty) when my daugther who was getting on with me said that she was so scared but so exicited at the same time. This made me realise that I was just feeling a normal reaction to the situation and my anxiety stopped.

I know you will be fine and you will be great at your new job

09-27-2011, 09:16 AM
I echo the others. I know a panic attack at work SUCKS and it could make you look bad, but most employers understand. Plus in your case they might just think the lady was crazy, as you said. In any case just know that the more you do and the more customers you push through, the more at ease you'll be!

09-27-2011, 11:33 AM
new jobs are anxious times for EVERYONE!! take some deep breaths and go to day 2, day 3, etc. by day 15 you will know what to expect!