View Full Version : Neck, Anxiety or Neurological problem?

09-25-2011, 08:39 AM
This is a hard one - my Neurologist is stumped:(
I am 33. Ever since a trip to Disney World (15 months ago)- I feel very dizzy in social situations, driving, and on the computer. But it is almost like I can't filter in all the information (sound, movement,etc) instead of feeling fear. In fact, my BP and hr are normal in these situations.
I want to attach these issues to my neck... I do feel anxious after neck movements (stretching). I do have some neck issues (herniations) but nothing that concerns my Dr. However, the more neutral I keep my neck during the day - the less anxiety I feel. So odd.
I do admit that I had/have anxiety issues. And this all happened during a stressful time
So it is any ones guess.
Oh one more odd thing - Meds like Xanax, Prozac, seem to make me worse. My Nervous System must be so messed up. Egh!!!
I know this is an odd case but Can anyone relate?

09-26-2011, 07:21 PM
i dont go to a neurologist maybe i should but i am constantly unbalanced some days and times worse than others i am constantly on phone game or laptop and havent really tried to see if it makes it worse or not. for some reason out of the blue tonight i feel horrible. i have been extra stressed but today i actually got some good news. usually that makes me less stressful. i have no clue as to why i feel unbalanced at times. i have poor diet and i smoke and sleep schedule is screwed but other than that i dont know what could cause it. sometimes i feel like i am on a ship. the rooms not moving and everything is steady but i feel like i am moving on the inside if that makes any sense at all. hope this helps.

09-27-2011, 01:10 PM
I get this to, somedays im ok others i get it all day and others times it can just be for a few minutes here an there. I know its my anxiety that causes it as ive had investigations to including a brain scan! But i havnt as yet found a link in what causes it or makes it go away.

10-01-2011, 03:00 AM
Ditto ditto ditto. My anxiety fluctuates and I cannot pinpoint what sparks it up and what doesn't! I am a slave to whenever it happens to flare up and I wish I knew so I could better control it. Its so bad sometimes I have to squeeze things into my good days