View Full Version : Hey I need some advice! :(

09-25-2011, 06:21 AM
Hey I've been suffering with anxiety for about a year now and lately it has been getting better I felt happy and wanted to do stuff but yesterday I was helping my girlfriend move into her uni and my whole body felt drained like almost jittery if that makes sense it's hard to describe. Also after worrying about brain tumors for months on end which is why my anxiety started I imagine, my left foot and hand started to feel weak but no lose of strength but then it would go for a while if could put it out of my mind. Also my head has just felt funny like I know its there no pain or anything. It's really scared me and I don't know if it is anxiety or what all comments would be welcome any at all!! O and my vision is fine up close but far away seems a little blurry not sure if this is me just needing glasses or not.

Many thanks.

09-26-2011, 05:59 PM
There's a couple things you can do. For starters if you are concerned about you health and feel that something is truely wrong go and see your doctor and explain to them your concerns. They can do some simple tests to rule out any problems that can really put your mind at ease. Same goes with your eye's. If you spend all day looking at a computer screen and are tired your long distance vision will suffer. When i get away from the computer and get some rest my eye sight always improves, especially when I go on holidays. But you may need glasses, which is no big deal. Mine are only annoying when waterskiing.

If you had been carrying boxes, going up stairs etc that would be enough to make anyone feel tired and if lactic acid built up in your muscles you would also feel jittery and shaky. If you didn't have much breakfast you may also feel a little dizzy as your sugar levels could have dropped. When i am stressed or tense my head always feels tight as there are a lot of muscles in the scalp and face. It oftens feels like a pulling from the back to just above my eyes. Trick is when you start to feel odd ask yourself a few questions of what activity you have just been doing and could the odd feeling be a result of that activity, like lifting boxes causing an aching arm.

Also on the anxiety side of things just remember that anxiety is expert at making us feel a whole aray of symptoms that are nothing more than a normal bodily reactions to stress or an activity. Everybody gets them, we just confuse them with something bad. When i feel an unusual bodily sensation instead of saying for example, "oh, I feel so dizzy and terrible", I say to myself "i notice anxiety is making me feel dizzy" or whatever it is making me feel at the time. Or I say something like "I am having a thought that I am dizzy agian and will never get better" These techniquea defuse you from your thoughts and with some practive really help.

Why no dot an internet search on defusion techniques. They really help.

You will get through this.