View Full Version : Sick in bed with very bad flu.

09-25-2011, 12:54 AM
Hello. well ive been struck down with this awful flu i have a chest infection and all the coughing has made me very weak. I am not one who copes with illness to well and the being in bed thing is playing on my anxiety. Too much idle time. the old brain just keeps ticking away, imagining this that and the other. Dont get me wrong i have been reading and watcing movies etc, but i need to be active. Anyway i hope by morning i will feel a bit better; Does anyone else feel this way when they get the flu. cheers.

09-25-2011, 04:14 AM

Yes this happens with lots of anxiety sufferers including me, As the body is stressed and fatigued due to Flu and cough, the additional thoughts which arise through anxiety and its sensations add to it and makes us feel much worse then the actual flu...Again this is just temporary feelings and will go away as sson as the flu and other ailment starts to subside....
Relax and watch some nice comic movies and soothing music a will get you back in good health soon!!!!!


09-25-2011, 06:53 PM
Thanks Jar4u for your reply. I still dont feel the best today but i decided to get out of while and do a few things. I dont get the flu much but when i do it hits me hard. Your msg makes me feel better about the anxiety side of it. Im going to buy season 2 of modern family that will give me a good laugh. Thanks again Annie

09-26-2011, 02:54 AM
Hey, I too have the flu or I guess you could say a mini flu right now :P it sucks..I know but just remember that before you ever had anxiety you weren't as scared about being sick. Realize that its going to take alot more than that flu to bring you down! :P and yep comedy movies definitely help :) take care. Hope you show that flu who's boss.

09-26-2011, 06:29 PM
Thanks Matt.Your kind words are very helpful. I hope you get over your flu soon.I feel a bit better today. Next year i think i will get the flu shot. Watching Death at a funeral at the moment very funny movie. Yes thats true also before anxiety i would take everything in my stride but now its a different story. then again the last year and a half have been very stressful, my mum passed away my grandson in hospital 3 to4 days a month with asthma then we nearly lost him from swine flu he is back in hospital now he still has problems from the swine flu the list just goes on. so thats how my anxiety started.Oh and i have had 2 health scares and surgery since June.I am looking forward to this year being over with.Well thats enough from me for now. Best wishes to you . Annie