View Full Version : Health anxiety

09-23-2011, 06:52 AM
Hi all, I've recently started having horrible symptoms and one night lay in bed thinking I was going to die! When I spoke to my mum about it in the morning she said it sounded like a panic attack. Ever since then I have been convinced there is something seriously wrong with me, every twing in my body (which only appear when I'm thinking about them) I imagine is some form of horrible illness. Every one of my symptoms links to the hundreds of threads about anxiety I have read on the internet.
After being at work today and getting a headache (probably tension related) I convinced myself I had some form of brain tumor and decided enough was enough and called the doctor to make an appointment. That was the most terrifying moment of my life! I have never felt so anxious about making a doctors appointment and it really didn't help that the woman left me on hold for ages!
I am now awaiting my appointment in two hours and I feel like I am going crazy! I am so scared they will find something seriously wrong with me.

Does anyone else on here suffer with health anxiety? At the moment I just feel like I am facing this completly alone! None of my friends seem to understand the extent of my anxiety and would just like someone to talk to really

09-23-2011, 11:48 AM
health anxiety has to be one of the most common forms of anxiety and panic attacks-- get so worried you literally make yourself sick-----this is your mind playing tricks on you!!!!!!! breath deeply in/out 10 times, in slowly, hold, exhale slowly!!

09-23-2011, 02:51 PM
Hiya, this is a very common thing and its my biggest anxiety problem too!! I constantley doing the same every twinge is something drastic! I also get convinced im going to have an allergic reaction to something and my throat is going to close up,even though i have never before! I even worry about buying food from shops incase someone has contaminated it with something harmfull its exausting and it got to the point i couldnt do or eat anything! unfortunately i never got it when i was eating chocolate!!!!
I do have to take meds at the min and it has calmed it alot ive also been for cbt therapy which has helped but to be honest its still an ongoing thing but you do have to fight and not let it take you over. Go to the doctors its the best thing you can do! Im sure there is nothing drastically wrong with you but i sure know how anxiety can make you think there is!

09-23-2011, 06:15 PM
I too think health related anxiety is probably one of the more common types. I know that my anxiety relates to my health (my heart in particular). I absolutely hate it, but when something on or near my chest hurts, I will start to worry about it. I am doing CBT and have been for a few months. It seems to be working. Try to hang in there and let us know how your Dr.appt goes. :)

09-24-2011, 03:39 AM
I too am the same and yes this is the most normal anxiety out there. like someone said above i used to constantly worry about my heart like any sort of pain would be a heart attack despite it only being trapped winned, i used to worry myself sick over and cry at night about dying, over the years i got used to it and it does get better but now all of a sudden my anxiety is about loosing my mind and going crazy and the fear of it ´just happening´ is what scares me.

But youre not alone many many people feel the same as you, unfortunatly i dont have the answers but its nice to know your not the only one

keep smiling x

09-24-2011, 03:57 AM
(all of a sudden my anxiety is about loosing my mind and going crazy and the fear of it ´just happening´ is what scares me.)

I now get this its horrible i used to fear being left alone with my kids incase something suddenley took me over and i hurt them then flip back to being me and realise what id done. But once i got told this was normal in anxiety everytime i thought it i said to myself this is just a thought it doesnt mean it will happen, it takes some of the fear out of the thought and then adventualy breaks the cycle i hardly get it now. And nothing has ever happened its just fearing the thoughts that turns it into a bigger thing than it really is, just a thought.

09-25-2011, 02:56 AM
Yeah I think it's common. I had some visual disturbances last november and was convinced I had a tumour. Even after MRI no one could convince me that there wasn't a hidden tumour there somewhere. I have also thought I was having a heart attack and been to er numerous times. This book really helped me, its called "it's not all in your head". Having a headache does not mean brain tumour, there would be other things happening.

09-28-2011, 08:48 AM
Hi there Leighs

I have the exact same problem!
Every second thing feels to me to be the coming of a heart attack!! I start monitoring my neck,jaw,and left arm to ensure that it isn't! I have been hospitalised about five times thinking it's heart attacks, but then the heart enzymes come out normal!
That's the anxiety I experience!!!

09-29-2011, 04:45 PM
I'm there too---all my anxiety points to a heart attack. It's dumb, but feels scary. Hang in there and get help or shoot me a PM and I'll share what's helped me