View Full Version : Freaked me out HELP

09-22-2011, 10:39 PM
so i have had anxiety and panic and ocd for almost three years now. I also smoke maybe a pack a day and tonight i helped my significant other push his four wheeler back into the garage from the drive way which is about 17 feet or so. anyways i was doing more of the pushing and when i let go my heart was racing and my chest felt full and i got dizzy and dry mouthed etc. i went through this for about a hour. my left arm is sore like a carpel tunnel feeling and my back is sore a little too. but it could be just muscle aches from pushing idk. I dont think it was heart attack because this happend 4 hours ago and obiviously i am still alive but i still cant shake the feeling that i have developed CAD or something like that. i have had a few skipped heart beats or double how ever you want to say it over the last few days but i do have high amounts of stress. I dont know i am confussed and really dont want to die of a heart attack so my big question is does anyone feel this way after running or doing something that causes your heart rate to go up? Nausea lightheaded unblanced fast heart rate dry mouth jittery. i had no chest or arm pain at the time but really felt faint.

thanks all

09-23-2011, 01:00 AM
I think it is safe to say anxiety is your culprit. Last time I pushed a car my heart rate went through the roof. When pushing a car you are using the big musles in your legs so you heart is going to pump hard and can make you feel dizzy. Your arms are going to ache and your back will be sore because of effort you normally don't do. I don't know about you but I don't push cars every day so it certainly isn't my strong suit. I mountain bike and can get my hert rate up to 180bpm for 15-20 minutes., As long as I don't get freaked out about it eveything just goes back to normal. If I let my anxiety mind take over however and listen to it's unhelpful thoughts it can make me feel pretty bad.

Ask yourself a couple of questions. Am I normally fit and healthy? Have I had a heart attack before? Have double or missed beats caused me any problems in the past? Is there any evidence to support my theory that I am having a heart attack.

The double or missed beats like your heart is flopping in your chest are quite normal for us anxiety sufferers and is usually from stress or caffene, but because we are always on alert for any different bodily sensations so we tend to notice them more than others. Elevated heart rate is also be part of the adrenalin being produced as part of your anxiety, hence why your heart rate is still high.

However if you are that worried about it though and you really feel there is something medically wrong take yourself to your doctor or ER. I would recommend against typing your symptoms into google as it never helps and usually makes you feel worse.

I think you are going to be fine though. Try taking 10 deep breaths really focusing on the cool air entering through you nostrils, feeling your ribcage expand and shoulders lift, then the warm air back out through your nostils as you breath out. Count backwards from 10 on each breath out, trying to realx a little more each breath.