View Full Version : Pregnant!

09-21-2011, 09:46 PM
Hi everyone! Last night my husband and I found out I am pregnant! We had been trying for a few years and are so excited for this blessing. Tonight I'm a little anxious and worried as it is becoming so real. I can't take Xanax which was my mode of coping when my anxiety got bad though I rarely take it. Knowing that it's not an option anymore is not helping. I'm scared I'm going to be a bad mother or not want to take care of the baby because of my anxiety. I'm scared I'm going to go crazy and not want to or be able to take care of the baby. None of this makes any sense to me because I've wanted so badly and for do long to be a mother. Iud this just the anxiety taking or should I be nervous that these fears will become a reality? Does anyone have any advice for coping with anxiety during pregnancy?

09-21-2011, 10:59 PM
First off, congratulations!
I'm a male I can't give personal advice, however seeing as how you are on here expressing your concerns, I would have to say you have the best in mind for your new baby. Your baby will be the joy of your life and if you can turn those concerns you have around and focus that energy on positive beliefs I believe positive actions will result and all will be fine.

09-22-2011, 10:50 PM
congrats. yes i know those feelings all too well. i have two girls ages 7 and 3 and had those same thoughts. I read some where or another than if you worry and think about certain things with anxiety you wont do those things or let those things happen. i have been overally protective over my second daughter due to her being 3 and i think crazy irrational thoughts all the time such as if i die who will be there for her, or what if she falls and this happens and blah blah. its a normal part of anxiety *(like anxiety is a good thing ha) eventually you will realize those thoughts are irrational and being this way makes us extra cautious and helps us when something life threating is happening. hang in there.

best of luck

09-23-2011, 03:00 PM
Hiya congrats!! yeh i know this all to well to i would advise you to go speak to your midwife or doctor they will be the most usefull where advice is concerned. Try not to stress out to much. Also let people around you know whats going on dont lock it in a problem shared is a problem halved and all that! More people than you think will be able to relate! Good luck

09-24-2011, 09:25 PM
hey congrat's im sure if you can keep a husband you can manage a little one.. plus they will keep you so much company give love and recieve ;)