View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms

09-21-2011, 06:50 PM
I'm very scared of what's happening lately. The last several days I have had this heaviness feeling in my head. It bothers me when I bend over or climb on a ladder for example. It feels as though I am going to fall over or as if the ground is rushing at my face. It scares me and I don't know how to control it. It's almost as if I am unsteady and feel unsure of my feet with my next steps. I have been suffering from anxiety, probably my whole life, but knowingly for a couple years though. Anyone else have these feelings or anything that can help me. Any answers in regards is very much appreciated as I am scared of this feeling and let my mind wander to serious things such as brain tumors and ms, and so on. Any help anyone?

09-21-2011, 07:17 PM
I'm very scared of what's happening lately. The last several days I have had this heaviness feeling in my head. It bothers me when I bend over or climb on a ladder for example. It feels as though I am going to fall over or as if the ground is rushing at my face. It scares me and I don't know how to control it. It's almost as if I am unsteady and feel unsure of my feet with my next steps. I have been suffering from anxiety, probably my whole life, but knowingly for a couple years though. Anyone else have these feelings or anything that can help me. Any answers in regards is very much appreciated as I am scared of this feeling and let my mind wander to serious things such as brain tumors and ms, and so on. Any help anyone?

look through this forum-- use the search function search for "anxiety symptoms"

I think what you describe are classic anxiety symptoms. Lightheadedness is a common symptom but there are literally dozens of things anxiety can do to you. Thoughts of brain tumors, etc. will only increase your symptoms---when you get anxious, take some deep breathes, listen to good music, read, watch tv, do cardio exercises or lift weights--do something you like to do.

09-21-2011, 07:26 PM
I figure it's all anxiety related. It just has me thinking otherwise most of the time. It has me feeling as though I'm falling or the ground is moving. Crazy feelings, hope that's all it is, feelings.

09-22-2011, 07:51 AM
Hey Willbur,

It does sound like a classic anxiety symptom. Always remember, they have to feel weird, and strange, otherwise we wouldn't feel anxious. It's a part of the trap, if they were just slightly annoying, we wouldn't suffer from an anxiety disorder. It's how anxiety tricks the mind into panicking due to either thinking errors, or a physical problem (ie low seretonin)

I found the symptom list on this website great. Of the extreme symptoms I felt, it was amazing how all the weird and unusual ones, all came back to anxiety. Even things like IBS, headaches, chest pain, throat pain!

I found breathing exercises really helpful for light-headedness.

09-23-2011, 03:07 PM
I get this to, i feel like my balance is out of sync its weird isnt it! When i get it now i just say "ive had this feeling before and its never lead to anything nasty" and the move on and try to forget it!