View Full Version : Bipola??

09-19-2011, 11:18 AM
How do you know if you have Bipola? what are the main signs and symptoms? are they similar to GAD (general anxiety disorder) if you have anxiety problems does it mean its more easier to get Bipola aswell?

thank u

09-19-2011, 01:24 PM
Hi worrier

Unless you have spent vast fortunes, or engaged in lots of reckless activity, I wouldn't think about bipolar right now.

When you feel anxiety, it releases adrenaline, this adrenaline makes you go at 100mph. It makes you feel manic, out of control, crazy. The difference is bipolar is a very extreme form of a chemical imbalance. There is no correlation between having anxiety disorder, and developing bipolar.

I would tell you the symptoms, but I won't, as guess what, they will match how you feel. They will match how I feel. They will match how marathon runners, health freaks and everybody feels.

The truth is, you have anxiety living inside of you at the moment. Anxiety is a lot like poison ivy. If you cut down one thing, without dealing with the poison ivy, it will grow onto something else. If you cut that down, it will grow onto something else. And if thats cut down, it will grow across your drive way.

Anxiety needs to be tackled. If I reassure you that you don't have bipolar, you will feel some relief. It will be short lived. The anxiety will then simply attach itself to something else. Whatever takes it's fancy. Some fear heart attack, some fear insanity, some fear recklessness, some fear cancer etc. Anxiety will pick and choose evidence it sees, to reinforce these extreme fears of beliefs.

Have you made any steps to tackle anxiety? Have you read any books? It's hard to know where to begin, but people here will give you some great advice. The hard part is to really listen, and ignore that shouting doubt thats there.

All the best!

09-19-2011, 05:46 PM
Here's a good way to look at anxiety disorder vs bipolar. In both cases, your mind can be racing. As the other said, it can seem like things are going 100 miles per hour. And in both cases, it can seem like energy levels are REALLY high. But what separates the two is that, with the manic state of bipolar disorder, thoughts are of a highly delusional nature. In other words, people get weird thoughts about becoming the next president (that is, if they weren't already on this track), crackpot business and 'get rich quick' schemes, and, of course, spending vast amounts of money on a whim. If you aren't thinking about these sorts of things, you are probably not bipolar.

09-19-2011, 10:36 PM
Just Look at some of my threads, I know how you feel.
