View Full Version : New here..is this really all anxiety?

09-18-2011, 11:33 PM
Hi im a 20 year old male and ive been having the worst year of my life. Doctor told me its all anxiety and depression but im not convinced that it is. Ive had a brain mri without contrast a cbc bloodtest and an abdominal ultrasound. All came back fine. Still suffering and i rarely even feel well or stable enough to leave my house. Im overweight and i smoke and my symptoms are constant let me know if you guys think this is all anxiety or something else. I am also currently on buspirone. Thanks.

-Diziness, whole body feels dizzy, unbalanced,spinning
-Body feels like rubber,heavy,weak,uncoordinated
-Chest pain,back pain,abdominal pain
-leg cramping in hamstrings
-knees and ankle feel swollen
-Shortness of breath
-Numbness in random places arms legs face hands feet
-Cold chills
-tightness/pain in neck,back of head,shoulders,jaw
-jaw gets tight when i chew
-Headaches and pains in temples
-get really tired and drained and feel like im going to faint
-heart racing and beating weird (races even with little physical activity)
-arms legs and hands go numb easily
-random pains all over including left arm and back
-Dark and fuzzy vision,dry eyes
-Memory loss,confusion,everything feels like a dream
-Neck/gland pain, feels like somethings in throat
-pressure in ears
-nausea, strange bowel habits and color
-weight loss then heavy gain 220-185-240
-Nose is always clogged/stuffy
-cold sweats,
-warm and cold skin
-bring food and drinks back up
-frequent low fevers
-frequent and urgent urination sometimes with disomfort
-no appetite
-skin feels cool and damp but i sweat

09-18-2011, 11:57 PM
Hi tortoise, yes i have alot of these symptoms also ,its anxiety alright.Try and get as much info on anxiety as you can so you can understand whats happening to you and why.You can get alot of help from this site also.Try meditation,i do it helps. Also cut out coffee if you drink it. Just remember that there is alot of help out there you dont have to suffer alone. Best wishes to you.

09-19-2011, 06:33 AM
Hi Tortoise,

Its all anxiety symptoms and nothing else.....i mean nothing else because u r perfectly fine health wise, only your stress levels have shot up and all the sensations are tricks of your tired mind and can be restored...but it will take efforts.....please read my earlier Threads and posts to get more info...It will immensely help your current negative thinking and help in your recovery.....BELIEVE ME ITS POSSIBLE....Please read it without fail!!!

09-19-2011, 07:09 PM
yep i have to say i experienced every single symptom on your list and many daily symptoms that never go away. I have had anxiety and depression for 3 years now and i just dont see an end to the whole matter so forget meditation and relaxation techniques and things of that sort because they didnt work for me(they may work for you i am not saying there useless ) so i am going to try medication for the first time. i have been to the hospital alot and twice they gave me ativan shots and i swear that was the most peaceful time that i can remember. i am just scared to take them at home. anyways i am currently seeking temporary disability for my anxiety since i am terrified to work/drive etc. please dont let yours get this far. the doctors are right. do something about all this now. I am only 26 years old and i have two beatuiful girls that i have to live and be sane for. I am sick of being insane so please dont question the docs and just look into doing something about it.
good luck to you.