View Full Version : Does anyone else suffer from not being able to believe things have happened in past?

09-18-2011, 04:13 AM

I'm new here, this is my first post.

I have an issue where I have to keep running over certain situations that happened in the past, just to convince myself that they did happen. It's always a situation or event where the consequences of it not having happened could be bad.

I just want to know if anyone else out there suffers from this, or is it just me??

09-18-2011, 01:09 PM
Hey Jon. Sorry you have this problem, but the good news here, is it's very recognized, very manageable, and more importantly very treatable.

From what you describe, it sounds like it could have roots in OCD (don't worry, it's not as dramatic as it sounds) OCD is an anxiety condition, so in essence treatment is the same, and symptoms often cross barriers. Infact, almost everybody has a form of OCD, however anxiety can cause it to flare up in some. Do you have any other small rituals, or mental obsessions, such as do you trace steps in fear of hitting a car? Have a fear of germs? Doubt sexuality etc? If it's just this symptoms troubling you, you'll be able to make some thinking changes in order to overcome this.

Have you read any books on anxiety yet? The anxiety and phobia workbook is very good. As is Jefferey Swartz Brain Lock.

Do you suffer from panic attacks or any other anxiety condition in conjunction with this?

All the best