View Full Version : Please Help-Wedding Anxiety

09-17-2011, 07:54 AM
Hi everyone,

I am getting married on Nov. 12th to the most wonderful man in the world. I waited 31 years and finally met the man of my dreams. We are planning a small wedding (50-60 people) with a short church ceremony and a casual reception.

I was diagnosed with anxiety about 10 years ago. It mostly takes the form of social anxiety if I have to be in front of a group of people or center of attention. Over the past couple years I have been to counseling and used a low dose of Lexapro, along with breathing techniques to actually get it under control on a daily basis to where it was virtually gone. Now, since we booked the date about a week ago, it has decided to rear its ugly head in full force again.

My anxiety takes the form of being constantly tense, tightness in my chest, shakiness, and nausea/vomiting. The vomiting of course is what I worry about most in regards to this event. Let me say to that the only trigger for me in this event is walking down the aisle and being in front of people.

I saw my dr yesterday, he is going to increase my lexapro temporarily. I have xanax to use as needed, which I rarely have to take, but I feel like this anxiety almost overpowers the xanax. I also am considering medical hynotherapy, if anyone has any experience with that.

Please help.......I am desperate because I know I will regret not having a wedding ceremony and want nothing more in the world than to make my future husband happy. :)

09-19-2011, 09:35 PM
Congratulations! I am also getting married November 12th, it's a good date :)

I know it's hard, and I know I'll have a harder time dealing with the thought of being up in front of people...it may not bother me until five minutes beforehand, and then what will I do? The medicine won't take affect in five minutes! This actually happened to me last week, I was getting confirmed in church in front of some family and friends and all the sudden I was so worried and my heart was pounding and I took an Ativan three minutes before the ceremony. And I started the ceremony, and yes my heart was pounding, and no the medicine didn't take effect until everything was all over, and you know what...everything turned out all right!

I know it's hard but try to remember that everything will be okay and it will be over before you know it and you will feel such a release. You might want to still take medicine beforehand to help though.
