View Full Version : crazy?

11-18-2006, 08:07 AM
how can i make these feelings go away? i can't take it...

i called my counselor last night, crying to her, and the best she could do was suggest i go to the carrier clinic... a psych ward...

that just makes me even more scared, nervous, and think im going crazy. does anyone really know what im going through?

11-18-2006, 11:59 AM
We know exactly what your going through. Its not easy, and my heart goes out to you, but let me fill you in on something...

These feelings/thoughts will probably never go away, only 1-12 people diagnosed with an anxiety disorder completely grow out of it, so the trick is not to make these thoughts and feelings go away, its to accept and learn to control them. You have an illness among a few million other people and your not alone! Educate yourself on whats happening to you and try your hardest to accept it. I know it sounds horrible, but it took me 10 years to figure out that I cant just snap out of it.

If you need to talk about anything on or off topic, dont hesitate to
pm me or drop me an email here:
[email protected]

11-19-2006, 06:56 PM
please don't think of the clinic or psych ward as BAD...it can actually be a good tool for you. Alhtough you are not crazy, they treat people with all kinds of disorders...even depression...and depressed people are not crazy.
Maybe they can get a medication you need or teach you how to live with this disorder. You are not alone. I am raising two kids and can't leave my house half the time. I suffer everyday..not able to be who I want to be.
If you can, accept the treatment...what is the worst that can happen???? you will leave with no improvement, but at least you tried.
Accepting help is hard....but it may help you. Be open to change is what I am trying to say.

Good Luck.