View Full Version : Anxiety - Please help!!

09-13-2011, 07:20 AM
Hi all,

Just found your website and enjoying the read...trying to figure out etc what is going on.

Basically I wanted your thoughts on this really....

I am a 27 year old male, good job, relatively healthy, dont smoke, like a drink (but then who doesnt!?) etc.

In October of last year i lost my job, went to a competitor and have been here since the start of 2011. This job is what I used to do in my old job but am back to square one with building my customer base again etc. It is quite hard becuase of the current climate and have only hit my sales target 3 times in 6 months. However my boss always tells me not too worry and that he is very proud of what I am doing/bringing to the business etc. However I am a driven person and this does get me down slightly as I want to do well.

In August of this year I lost my Uncle. My aunty passed 3 years ago, and their son (my cousin) passed 2 years ago. Since around April time I started having random fears of dying. I spoke to a few people who rationalised this for me etc and I thought/felt ok about it. Anyway, at the beginning of August I had a very strange overwhelming feeling come across me at work. It was in the morning. I had really strange tingling sensations around my hea. My left side of my face started tingling, then all down my left arm and down my left leg. I started to panic thinking i was having a stroke. I had to get air but could not shake this feeling. Thought i was going to pass out. I drank 1.5litres of water in 30 minutes!
My boss sent me home and as I was driving home I still felt like this but did not kow what was going on. I got home as as soon as I did I automatically felt better. Like a switch had been put off on me.

I wanted to get checked out as I was worried I had a brain tumor becuase of the constant pressure in my head. The Doctor advised that what I had been through in recent weeks, targets at work, losing my uncle etc that I had stress. Anyway that night I felt slightly better, but at 2am I woke up with cold sweats, shivering all over, left leg muscles were hard and quivering uncontrollably and had to rush to the toilet.

As soon as my partner put her dressing gown round me when I got back into bed I felt a little more at ease.

The second day I went back to the doctors who told me that becuase I was stressed I also picked up a slight bug which made me like I was that night. He prescribed nothing but rest to me.

Anyway I felt fine for a few days after.

Towards the end of August I went to a music festival with some friends. I was absolutely fine until one night I randomly thought I was going to collapse again and that same tingling feeling as when I was at work came rushing over me again, and I knew that I had to go back for a lie down. Again I drank lots of water but just could not sleep as I wanted to rid my brain of thinking stupid thoughts.

Again this went away for a few days. A week later myself and my partner were sat watching a film. Again, this same feeling swept over me, tingling over left side of body, mind thinking I was having a stroke, feeling irritable and a little nausious. Again this passed about 2 hours later.

Two weeks ago I helped my brother in law move house. A week later (Last weekend) and my lower back started to ache and I just could not shift it. I then thought randomly that I had bowel cancer/spine cancer, as cancer is in my family and this is what my cousin died of 2 years ago.

Anyway, this pain had now left my lower back, however this morning, I was sat in the car waiting for my partner so I could take her to work and my tingling has started again all down my left side. I have tried not to think about it but it is doing my head in as has been pretty much constantly there all day. All bar a couple of times I have had a laugh with my colleagues today and it had gone but come has back again. I have looked at some symptoms of anxiety and can relate to the following:-

Shortness of Breath (Sometimes)
Difficulty swallowing, lump in throat (Sometimes)
Headaches, tight band around head. (When I get tingling feeling on left side of body)
Pins and needles feeling in arms and legs.
Feelings of anxiousness and dread.
Unable to think clearly (becuase of worry)
Feeling like you are going crazy. (Feel like I am going to pass out and do not know what is wrong)
Strange, obsessive thoughts. (Like I have cancer or am going to die!?!)
Racing heart.
Feeling nausesious
Feelings of anxiousness.
Constantly Irritable.
Feelings of depression (maybe a little)
Constantly worrying.
Dry mouth. (Sometimes)

I was wondering if anyone else felt like this and if I could have some advise....

Thanks in advance

09-13-2011, 10:45 AM
Firstly i can assure you that you are not having a stroke, as i have had this same symptom a million times. I also have the fear of dying, especially in my sleep, and i know its impossible to think otherwise, even though i know im not going to die, i still get it sometimes. Drinking is something i have found to be a major cause of the anxiety, it makes everthing a whole lot worse. Not when you are drunk obviously but the after effects are really shocking. I went for about 2 years drinking every day just to make it go away, but now i have been clean of it for 6 days, and it feels amazing. Check my blog out if you want and dont be afraid to comment :) its in my signiture.