View Full Version : Multitasking getting one worked up?

09-12-2011, 08:35 AM
Sometimes at work I get going pretty well; I am busy multitasking a few things or knocking out tasks one by one. Usually though I kind of take a multitasking approach rather than listing out tasks and trying to slow down.

Anyway, in college I did this a lot and I could feel a sort of exhilarated stress once I had gotten ramped up. But now it sort of feels good and "natural", but in the back of my mind I worry that it could lead to anxiety working up.

Am I right that there could be a connection to your mind working very quickly and the feeling of anxiety?

09-12-2011, 09:42 AM
Yeah, a sort of racing midset, with clutter and not so much clarity can sometimes heighten an anxious disposition. I think's it's personal though, some very successful people work very well like that, I myself did too for a while, it sort of became a manic period of productivity, which I think was probably fuelled by the adrenaline anxiety provided.

For me, I just decided to slow the pace of my life down, I now list things, and take many different opportunities in my day to do breathing exercises and step bacl. I constantly re-affirm things like, 'slow it down theres no race' and 'everything will get done in due time'. But for me that was a personal choice. It comes down to the keyword you mentioned; 'stress'. Do you feel like your method of approach is bring about additional levels of arousal, that your body isn't dealing with as well as you'd like it, maybe experiment, and slow it down a little. I think the anxiety came for me through lack of clarity. When you multi-task without a real plan, you sort of rely on things just 'coming together', and that can be pretty stressful at times.

Sometimes having all these things in your head that need to be done, does cause the racing mind, which in turn will release adrenaline. It all depends on how much it affects your productivity, and way of life.