View Full Version : EFT worrks for me :)

09-09-2011, 07:09 AM
Hi everyone :)
Thought I would share my success and give you all hope that things can get better!
Just over a year ago I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, it got to the point where I couldn't leave the house without having a panic attack, and was actually just in panic mode all of the time. Just felt like I would be better off dead. Doctors just prescribed me with anti depressants, took 2 tablets and stopped, had the worst side effects just from taking a couple. Knew that medication was not going to help me and that I had to find something that would help.
So in complete desperation I looked into hypnotherapy. I had nothing to lose so went ahead and booked myself some sessions. Started the sessions in about june time this year and wow can I see a difference!
Have done a lot of EFT and believe its helped me incredibly. The panic attacks have stopped and now I can leave the house without even thinking about it! Been able to do soo much that I couldn't have done before, its really changed my life for the better.
Although the anxiety and panic improved greatly, still had major issues with my fear of throwing up and felt sick most of the time. But now can happily say that this has improved also!
Still having the occasional session 2 clear even more of this issue.
So so glad I took action! Feeling the best that I've felt in years. Sometimes I think back to how I was and it dosnt seem real.
So yeh, just wanted to let you all know that there is hope and none of us have to live like that forever.
Would recommend EFT to anyone, I'm proof that it actually does help! :)
Thanx for reading and hope you feel abit of hope from it!