View Full Version : I need advice on my dilemma

11-16-2006, 07:39 PM
Hey guys. I'm 25 and I've been dating my girlfriend for 4 months, and she's also 25. Everything has been fantastic so far. When we started dating, she had quit smoking. About 3 months into the relationship, she started to smoke again but only when she's out drinking with her friends. I love this girl to death, and the only thing that really bothers me about her is that she does like to smoke when she drinks and she doesn't smoke at all when she doesn't drink. My problem is that smoking is my number 1 turn off. I hate the way it smells and the way it tastes on another girl. It makes me really upset too when i see her smoking. She knows it upsets me but she said that she likes to have a few cigarettes with her girls when she drinks and that she'll cut it down but won't stop. But I sort of get these anxiety attacks when she does smoke and it's gotten to the point where I don't want to go out that much anymore because I know it'll lead to the inevitable. How do I control my anxiety because maybe I shouldn't feel this way. I need to be better about it and how do I go about it? It's the only thing wrong in the relationship.

11-17-2006, 01:42 PM
I would suggest telling her what you just wrote and letting her see how much it is bugging you. If she cares for you, she won't smoke around you.
Talk to her. Communication will help your anxiety.

Much Luck.