View Full Version : annie

09-08-2011, 07:50 PM
Hello,i have just signed up and im looking forward to chatting with some of you about this terrible affliction that we have in common, After stressing over health problems since June, im now suffering from anxiety with feelings of unreality. These feelings make me feel so detached from eveything even my own voice sounds like it belongs to someone else.The only time i have respite from this is at night but then its back in the morning.I feel so strange when im around my adult daughters i make excuses to leave or not to go to their homes for dinner etc. So that makes them worry about me then i feel guilty. I have lost alot of weight because i just cant eat due to the anxiety.Does anyone have ideas on how to cope with these feelings? cheers

Anxiety beater
09-09-2011, 02:01 PM
Hi Annie - the feelings you describe are very common, so you are NOT alone! I'm sure you'll get lots of help and advice on this forum, but one of the main things is to realise that your anxiety is completely curable. For a starter, it would be best to try NOT to avoid social situations if you start feeling anxious - that can become a vicious cycle whereby the more you avoid things the more anxious you get about them so the more you avoid them et. Your feelings are unpleasant but not dangerous or harmful - and feelings of anxiety always eventually subside. It might not feel like it at the moment, but they really do.

09-10-2011, 03:19 PM
Thankyou so much for your kind reply. Its nice to know that im not alone and that there are others that care. Your msg means alot to me. I will take your advice and try not to avoid situations so much.Also best of luck to you.

09-10-2011, 04:27 PM
Thanks Kev for your reply. i will try much harder to eat. I have started a mindfulness meditation course so i feel this is going to help me very much. Best wishes to you.

09-12-2011, 05:58 PM
Hi Kev. I got myself a juicer so im into the friut and veg drinks.I find that i feel more like eating at night. Your soup drink sounds good.I hope all is good for you and thanks for your help.

09-13-2011, 02:41 AM
Hi Kev, The juice is great im putting silverbeet, brocoli, celery. ginger. carrots,apple. Its a real brew. I have been on omega 3 for a month or so along with vitamin e and a mega B. I tried medication for a week i couldnt cope with the side effects. It felt like my armpits had turned into water features then the headaches and chills ,anxiety made worse. My Dr gave me some samples so i see him tomorrow and he can have the damn things back. I will just take things slowly and a day at a time. Also finding this site has been a tremendous help knowing im not alone with these awful feelings. Im also sure your mother would be very pleased with the way you help people with your excelent advice. Take care.

09-13-2011, 07:13 AM
I agree with kev, i recently gave up smoking (which i know normally makes you want to eat, or satisfy the craving by replacing it with something else) and i've started eating more my anxiety has started to dwindle :)

09-13-2011, 03:28 PM
Hi Brady, thanks for that. I dont smoke or drink but i was a big coffee drinker. I stopped that as soon as the anxiety started also stopped drinking coke. Now i drink herb teas. I have to agree with you and Kev i do feel better after eating and the veggie juice works a treat. Have a good day. cheers. oh i will take a look at your site.