View Full Version : All Mental

09-08-2011, 09:00 AM
I have had anxiety for about a year now, and i can go weeks without feeling anything and then all of a sudden boom anxiety hits me and last for a couple of days to a week. I dont have any physical symptoms its all just mental from having obsessive thoughts to thoughts of hurting someone which scares me so much because i know i would never do that. In my mind im trying to convince myself that I am going crazy and i get so scared and nervous that i feel like giving up. I want to keep fighting and get over this but it just seems like its never going to end. If anyone could please give me some advice it would be greatly appreciated.

09-11-2011, 01:01 PM
hiya, when you get these thoughts they scare you, you worry about them and so the cycle begins ive been there! Everytime one of these thoughts pops into your head just stop and tell yourself this is just a thought it means nothing im not going to act on them im a good person! Once you take away the fear of the thoughts it breaks the cycle and they will fade away. Hope this helps!

09-11-2011, 09:56 PM
Tucker, have you spoken to a therapist or anyone else about it? I waited for my anxiety to get full blown before I went for help and I think that makes it worse. As far as the thoughts about hurting people go, I had those a couple times and they really freaked me out. I knew deep down I wouldn't do it, but the thought of even having such a thought upset me. I spoke to my therapist about it who told me it was a normal thing for anxiety sufferers. He said he has had countless patients report of thoughts like those and none of them have ever acted. It's when those thoughts don't scare you...that's when it's a problem. The thoughts are upsetting you because you know you're not that kind of person. I hope it gets better for you. Don't give up...keep fighting this ugly monster!