View Full Version : New here, but not for anxiety

Slammed Vdub
09-07-2011, 11:05 PM
Hello, so here is my story thank you if you read and here me out. the fall semester after i graduated high school is where this all began. I was sitting in my English class when all of the sudden my arms got cold and numb, super lightheaded, and my heart was racing. I left class and went to the doctors. She told me it was an anxiety attack. That day changed my life. Ever since then i have had random "chest pains," and pressure they will push down on my eyes, or it can feel like a inflating balloon inside my head. I have hat bloodwork, CT's and EKG tests, all came back fine. I went to counseling and we came to the conclusion that my anxiety is around my health. there isnt a day that passes where i dont have chest pain, or constant head pressure, ( which they now put me on allergy medicine.) Everyday feels like a battle for me, all i think about is my health. Sleep is difficult because i am concerned about dying all the time. MY vision is becoming blurred and i have occasional double vision and lack of concentration. Like i can be somewhere eating and it feels like the room isnt real, like im stuck in a fog i dont know how to explain it. To make matters worse i feel depressed all the time. I watched a movie last night and became depressed because how perfect the actors lives were. I know it isnt true but i still feel it. I just had a "episode" where i felt the walls closing in and i felt very isolated, which forced me to come here. Is anyone going through what i am? its so hard for me to believe that al of these symptoms can be anxiety or depression which is where my problems come in. I am 19 years old and i cant even be around my family. Thank you if you read my story. I just want to be the kid i used to be and make everyone laugh instead of the kid who isnt around.