View Full Version : OCD and basic anxiety.

09-07-2011, 10:27 PM
I don't have many people to discuss my mental *disorders* with, so I figured you guys could possibly assist me.

Here's a little background info:
I've been seeing a shrink off and on since I was 12 (i'm 19 now) for my anxiety. I've also been on and off meds since then too, but no longer take them, and haven't for over a year. I'm simply too stubborn to take them, and just hate medication in general. Personally, I hate the side-effects and believe it's unhealthy.

Anyway, the only thing that bothers me mainly nowadays is my OCD. It seems to be a pretty mild form, but there are those days that it peaks. I was curious as to how you guys who suffer from this deal with it. Also, can it be controlled? Are there different degrees/levels of OCD?

I basically want to better myself on controlling my OCD, rather than resorting to medication.

09-07-2011, 11:39 PM
Hi jdogg. I have had OCD since I was a kid and I am now almost 27. I have out under control now. The way I got over it was through my faith. I don't know what your religious beliefs are but this seriously worked for me. My OCD was basically the thought that if I didn't do something (such as checking to see if I turned something off that I knew very well I had or turning a light on and off a certain number of times our just touching something a certain number of times, something bad would happen. That fear was horrible and it would make me do those repetitive things. I started to tell myself that God wasn't going to let something bad happen to me or anyone else because I didn't flip a light switch, etc. Pretty soon, after telling myself that for a few days, the OCD got less add less controlling. I hope this helps.

09-08-2011, 03:02 AM
For me just labelling it helped. When I got the strong urge to repeat something, I would label it as OCD, and sit with that emotion, and realize thats all thats happening; a chemical reaction happening somewhere within my body. Chemicals formed from various things that had no psychic ability, no prophetic qualities, just a chemical form, no different to oxygen or water.

Also, I found letting go of my ego helped. OCD can come from a huge egoic hole, and ignoring the common misconception of ego, OCD takes on the role that our thoughts and actions are of significant importance for whatever our chosen reason. Some people are then able to hand back that power to God, or fate, or just let go of it themselves. I think realizing those 2 things, that my OCD comes from my distorted ego, and that it is a process happening in the body allowed myself to detach from it.

I still suffer, but it's weakened immensley, and although I still get urges to complete compulsions, I never act upon them anymore.