View Full Version : Well this is new...

09-07-2011, 03:20 PM
I have a feeling like something us stuck in my throat or my throat is swelling. I've never had this anxiety symptom before but I've read enough to know that it is a symptom. My question is...how do you know if it's anxiety or something else? I'm getting a little stressed over it. Has anyone ever haas this before.

09-07-2011, 03:48 PM
Hi yes this is my biggist anxiety symtom its horrible! It can be different each time some days i just have the feeling of a hand round my throat which can last hours sometimes its like a lump in my throat sometimes it feels like my throat is blocked and anything i swallow is coming back up! A doctor once said the muscles in your throat criss cross so when they tense up it can feel like your throat is closing up then of course you just need that one helpfull thought that it could be to start the anxiety cycle of it! Nightmare just try to relax and tell yourself its the anxiety and eventualy it will pass. Hope this helps.

09-07-2011, 07:41 PM
Thanks for the replies. The feeling went away and I'm feeling better now. I had never really had that happen before.
Kev, to answer your question I am doing a few things to reduce stress. I started CBT a few months ago and I really can tell a difference in the way I handle my anxiety. I was having to take Xanax almost every day for a while but now I am only using it a few times a month when I feel like my anxiety is going to get the better of me. Also, I am trying to make more time for myself to relax in general. I work a stressful job and I am also a full time college student. Making time for myself to relax felt very strange at first, but now I am enjoying it. I am also trying to rearrange my schedule so that I don't constantly feel rushed or like I always have a million things to do.
Any other ideas?