View Full Version : making fiends

09-06-2011, 04:00 AM
I heard today that people think im stuck up, when in reality it's my anxiety that doesn't let me open up and talk to make friends !!!!!!!!!!!! uggghhh

09-06-2011, 09:51 AM
I have been told that as well. people with anxiety often seem self centered because it is difficult for them to go to parties, hang out with friends, and just keep up the relationship demands. I have been called selfish, self centered, and concieded so many times when in reality Im one of the most compasionate people I know.

I think once you start fixing your anxiety your real personality traits will seep through.


09-06-2011, 02:19 PM
Me too! Sometimes people think i dont like them they say when they talk to me i seem like im not interested or im not listening but really its because im usually having an argument with myself in my head telling myself my throat is not closing up and im not going to need an ambulance any time soon! That or im so anxious il talk at 100 miles an hour and scare people off..

09-06-2011, 10:16 PM
My anxiety has recently gotten worse and has made me not want to do things with my friends as much as I used to. My friends are starting to get annoyed with me because I don't want to go do things as often as I used to. I keep giving them excuses because I can't seem to get the nerve up to just tell them I'm feeling anxious and really don't want to go anywhere. I'm not afraid to leave my house or anything but when I go out with friends I get anxious and worry that I will have a panic attack. I hate that feeling and I really dislike the fact that I'm #1 not being completely honest with my friends and #2 missing out on fun activities. Anxiety stinks!