View Full Version : Please help me, I'm not sure what I'm experiencing!

09-05-2011, 10:39 PM
Hey Guys! So I would really appreciate some help. I am a junior in college and I have a feeling I might be suffering from some mild anxiety but I'm not sure. I know its really bad to self diagnose but I want to be sure I'm not just going crazy. It all started when I began college. I have always been very insecure but I became very self-conscious and paranoid when I came to school hoping I would make friends and would fit in. When I pledged my sorority I hoped that things would get better but they seemed to stay the same. I have friends but I am constantly worried about what they think of me. I went through a lot my sophomore year including losing my virginity to a guy in a one night stand who now ignores me. I've been on campus for about a week now and have felt nauscious everyday, to the point where I have woken up needing to throw up. The feeling never goes away and I am constantly looking over my shoulder wondering if he is around and what he is thinking about me. I also am still constantly concerned about what other people's opinions of me are and whether or not they like me. I know it seems wierd but to me its a big deal. I feel like I am unable to concentrate on my school work (I have the added pressure from my parents about that) and I really just generally feel anxious all day. Please help me, I dont know what exaclty I am experiencing and I am afraid to go talk to someone because I don't want to be freaking out over nothing, if its not anything. Please give me any advice you can, it would really help me a lot!

09-06-2011, 03:36 AM
Hiya sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I cant really offer much advice sorry but do you have anyone you can talk to about it? A trusted friend or a school counselor or a teacher maybe! You are not alone and i know it can be really hard to talk and open up to people but its suprising how good it can feel. Your not going crazy thats a common fear you would probably be suprised by how many people you know may feel the same. You will never know though unless you open up to someone. Sorry i can't be much help to you!

09-06-2011, 09:48 AM
There is a counseling service offered here at the school, and I am definitely considering making an appointment. I guess I am just really nervous about opening up to someone about everything that has been going on :(

09-06-2011, 02:07 PM
I know i find it hard to, but i have been seeing a counsellor and it really has helped. Book an appointment if you go and you dont like it there is nothing lost and they wont judge. you really need to talk to someone it just builds up if you keep it all in.