View Full Version : BUGGING OUT, the usual

09-03-2011, 06:29 PM
like everyone on this website i am an anxiety sufferer. for the past 4 years i have been cowering, trembling, crying, screaming, pulling my own hair out because of this strange force within me. i just recently stumbled upon this site a couple of moments ago when i was doing a typical "what's wrong with me" search over the internet. i am here now to conform with my follow anxiety sufferers because no one else seems to understand. i am currently away at college and instead of getting ready to go out and have a good time, I'm in my dorm, worried and anticipating the worst.

i just want to vent and list the process by which anxiety creeps up on me, and maybe you experience the same type of issues too. for me, i fear death. i fear dying, illness, chest pains, somatic symptoms pretty much. as soon as something "bizarre" occurs (which actually might just be a normal bodily function) i find myself becoming increasingly active. shaking my legs, tapping my foot, burping, and other types of motor movement. from there, i begin my never ending search on the internet for the reasons why i am experiencing such "bizarre" bodily functions. i constantly find myself worried that i am deadly sick, or i will die in the next hour, alone and completely vulnerable. this has been happening 3 to 4 times a week since i was a sophomore in high school. i am now a sophomore in college and things have gotten better, but now what i am experiencing is becoming unbearable. i have seen 2 psychologists, and 2 psychiatrists which prescribed me Xanax and Prozac. these DID NOT help, although Xanax was a life saver when it came to the anxiety attacks that i thought would never end. i am diagnosed as bipolar, to have severe anxiety, a hypochondriac and i have had it.

its just frustrating to feel as if you will never actually return to "normal". like many of you i look back on my childhood when i was carefree and always happy. don't get me wrong i still am happy, but no where near as carefree. im stressed beyond belief because of anxiety. i am turning 20 and i already have a few grey hairs because of this. its killing me, like it is probably killing all of you as well. its so embarrassing to experience anxiety in public and to have all the attention turned to you and your irrational fear. i sometimes think "how am i ever going to find someone to put up with me and my insecurities about my anxiety?" because to be honest, i don't want to be taken care of and who would want to be with a person who constantly needs reassurance that he isn't dying? i miss being normal that's all.

i just want to brush up on some new and evolving thoughts that occur during my episodes. i seem to believe that i am not really here, and that i am outside of myself looking in. my brain seems to make me feel detached, and reality becomes negligible. i often feel like i am on a strong drug trip when i experience this. racing thoughts about the possibility that i am actually not here flood my mind and take my anxiety to new heights. heights to the point that i actually go numb (pins and needles) in my arms and legs. at this point i usually give in and pop a Xanax before i give myself any more grey hairs. another thing i'd just like to point out during a severe episode is the fact that i feel as if i am just going through motions, and not actually living. its pretty existential and if i wasn't the one experiencing this kind of mental torture, i'd really like to read some literature about it. the mind is powerful, it manipulates the body and what is so weird is that why can't i control my mind? is my mind actually a thing, or is it "ME"? "I" am experiencing this sort of mental issue but if it is all in my mind, why can't i just say "stop" and automatically be cured?

09-04-2011, 01:57 AM
Hey dude...
I can relate to a lot of what you're saying...pretty much all of it except for the derealization. I know it is no fun and trust me, I often wonder if and when I will return to my old self. The dumbest "bizarre" ailment leads me straight to Google. For instance, tonight my tongue feels really raw and sore and my throat hurts. I'm sure it's allergies or something I ate and I know I'll be fine but I have to look my symptoms up on Google. Sometimes this behavior just leads to more anxiety. We really need to work on not doing that :)
I turn to Xanax as well when I have anxiety or a panic attack that I can't seem to get under control. It sucks to rely on something like that, but I know we'll get better. Have you seen a therapist at all? Perhaps that would help. I've been seeing one for a few months now. I'm working on CBT and it really does seem to help. I still have a ways to go, but it's nice to learn tricks to control the anxiety.
I hope you're feeling better! Just no that you aren't alone and there are plenty of people like us who feel the same way we do.

09-05-2011, 02:16 PM
I totally sympathize- I am a 20 year old as well (just finished college) and dealing with anxiety has made me feel like I am thirty years older sometimes. I went un-diagnosed for the longest time, just because I came from a family where panicking and anxiety were seen as things you didn't talk about, ever. College tested it a lot- obviously you know how stressful college can be, and for me it manifested itself in little things that I would be convinced were signs of huge ailments. CBT was probably the most helpful thing I did. Just know you aren't the only person your age dealing with this!

09-05-2011, 03:04 PM
I totally sympathize- I am a 20 year old as well (just finished college) and dealing with anxiety has made me feel like I am thirty years older sometimes. !

I hear that one!

I'm in my mid 20's, but I feel like I have nothing in common with people in my age group now. I feel about 40, but I guess in a good way lol, I can have far more philosophical discussions with people, and have developed my rational thinking so much. I find I can't really respect people at the moment, unless they've suffered. I know it's a little bit wrong lol, but it seems coming through suffering opens up a different part of the brain. I find these people my own age are just very One-Dimensional, let's get drunk and get laid. I just can't connect with that anymore really. I just look back on my young life, and there has been so many stressful events and situations, they say suffering brings wisdom, if I carry on at this rate, the Buddha better watch his back haha!

Anyway, sorry for not bringing anything to the convo, just fancied a little Monday night rant :)

09-05-2011, 04:43 PM
Haha no problem with a monday night rant- I figure ranting is a big part of what these forums are for! And I agree- I've found that having anxiety disorder is something that has actually brought me closer to people who have had similar struggles in my age group, whether it's with anxiety or with another related problem. College years and after is a great time to seek out like minded people- and it definitely helps your stress levels to know you aren't alone.