View Full Version : Dang, even happiness can bring on anxiety?!

09-01-2011, 03:03 PM
Ugh...I just got out of my monthly review with my manager and I'm doing well at this new job (7 months in), pretty well in fact and I got pretty glowing reviews. But as they were coming, I felt this sort of elated feeling in my chest, which I think we all get at extreme happiness, but my anxiety quickly poisoned that. I started to feel like it was more an uncomfortable than happy feeling, and then I worried that I was just too happy and that I'd have a panic/anxiety attack. (Last week I had gotten some great news on my leukemia results and it actually sent me into a panic attack).

Then I got back to my desk and another person who I had worked on a project with was really praising me and it almost made it worse, because I think he was going to contact my supervisor to tell her how pleased he was.

I hate that even a little bit of anxiety can rob a happy moment.

I have some breathing apps on my iPhone, and I've been doing TEA forms, and they have really helped me tremendously in the last week alone. So the real anxiety is at bay, there's just a little "what if I get worked up" in the back of my head.

Do you all find that even positive things can work you into anxiety?

09-01-2011, 06:34 PM
Do you all find that even positive things can work you into anxiety?

There are a couple of possibiites as far as this goes. First, is it possible that maybe you are worried about 'messing up' in the future? Along with a good job review inevitably comes a subliminal message to keep up the good work. Do you have doubts as far as your ability to do this? This could certainly cause feelings of anxiety. Also, along with a good job review sometimes comes the possibility of a promotion. This can be a good thing, since it means higher status, higher pay, etc. But it also comes with more stress and responsibility. Could this also be causing you anxiety? The fact is that good news can often carry the potential for increased anxiety along with it. And this can VERY often cause feelings of increased anxiety along with happiness. In alot of ways, this is probably no different from having someone of the opposite sex agreeing to go on a date with you. You are REALLY happy. But you are also VERY anxious about what could possibly go wrong.

09-01-2011, 09:07 PM
Hmm, thanks for the info guys. It's all really interesting, albeit ultimately annoying.

I am trying to do better and once I saw your posts I was able to calm down and try to reframe my feelings in the proper way. Hopefully I can get a handle on this. Thanks again!