View Full Version : Chest Pains ?!?!?!

08-31-2011, 03:31 PM
so yesterday was highly stressful for me. i have been going through more stress than usual long story short i had to move back in with my mom. my two kids and fiance. and yesterday was horrible. i have been having chest pains all day today. its been middle chest pain and my mouth is kinda dry. this is not something that i have experienced before. i have never had middle chest pains before its always been left area like by arm pit. when i twisted i feel it but when i sit still i dont. I dont know what is going on......HELP

08-31-2011, 04:31 PM
I know but the thing is I've been here since the 11 th and my left arm is hurting bad and my fiancée isbeing a you know what about it all...

I really want to go get checked out but he won't take me plus a friend of mine uncle dies last week of a heart attack his chest was hurting for three days I am scared that's what's going on with me

09-02-2011, 07:22 AM
Yup its anxiety and nothing else...I used to get them on regular bases, i was damn sure its leading to a heart attack...but as my stress levels went down it went away, then the pain would be around my kidney area and again i got sure its a fatal kidney disease i have...but again false anxiety sensations, as soon as you start hearing somebody's experience of pain and death...your stressed mind starts to give you a taste of that sensations..and the more you feel stressed the more the mind gives out sensations...and again you fearful thinking adds fuel to it and the cycle continues...Only if you experience chest pains while doing laborious work or climbing stairs or running or walking on a regular basis then its a symptom of a heart disease..again which can be cured with proper diagnosis...rest all is anxiety symptoms for a anxiety suffer!!! its all about forgetting your sensations and giving something else interesting more importance...It will all be gone soon!!!!!

09-02-2011, 07:47 PM
thanks and i know my mind just wont shut off. i have been going through ALOT of stress at the moment including moving and the mail man loosing our checks etc. one thing after another. hope it will be gone soon cause i dont think i can take much more. my chest pain is almost gone but now i am so lightheaded and unbalanced i cant even stand up. so frustrating. which adds to it even more.

09-04-2011, 02:01 AM
It really does sound like anxiety. I know that when I hear about other people's health I think I subconsciously store the story away and when I get a 'feeling' that could resemble that story, I reach right in and "ah ha" that's what I have. It's silly because the majority of me knows that I am healthy and fine. It's just that stupid little anxious part of me that refuses to listen. I hope you're feeling better and that things got sorted out and your stress levels have declined. Best of luck!

09-05-2011, 11:57 AM
I've had chest pains before when I'm stressed out and thought the same thing- and then I have to remember I'm a 20 year old girl in good shape and the chance of that happening is pretty low haha. I think it goes for anything- I had a sharp sudden headache the other day and my first thought was "oh my gosh I'm having a brain hemmorhage" (I'm still here so I think that was probably untrue)- I always jump to the worst conclusion, and then my stress over it ends up making it worse. Good luck with your situation, and if you can't find support for what you are feeling then there's always forums like these! And if it will still your mind to get it checked out get it checked out- I know I have once or twice.