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11-15-2006, 03:04 PM
im majorly suffering from.... god knows. i give myself all these diseases. so now i think im just giving myself depersonalization and anxiety. its crazy. i just cant decide.

all i know is, i dont feel like myself. everything is like.. being a spectator., and im afraid of losing my mind. and im afraid of.. losing control.. having no future. and i think im just abosrbing symptoms as i read them...

im starting cymbalta tonight... maybe itll work?

i guess ive been diagnosed with depression/anxiety.

but part of me thinks its just all in my head, and i should bestrong enough to just escape it.

11-15-2006, 04:43 PM
thats part of the anxiety...the feeling that you dont belong, that you are strange to everything and everyone else...Usually I wondered alot about death to the point of reading books and becoming Atheist... you start questioning everysingle thing and worry just about everything that happens on your surroundings.

but look on the positive side, at least you know what the cause is, anxiety. though I dont think you're in depression from what you wrote. you are actually aware of what the causes are, and not many people realize that until they seek help. At least you are in a good start.

Depression is a secondary effect after a long term of feeling anxiety. you start crying, wondering about suicide, attempting suicide, not wanting to eat or eating more, not doing the things you used to do, etc. When I had that much anxiety i can tell you that i went trhough some of these things, symptoms that i might have had depression and therefore I considered myself depressed. but no one was 100% sure i was, and regardless because of so much negative thoughts i convinced myself that i was...and in fact i might had been since my doctors suspected.

don't burn your head wondering what you have or dont have...i know is easy to say than to actually do it, but i've been there...dont think about the fact that you have anxiety. I'm sure the medecine will help! :D keep us updated and good luck! anything you want to ask let us know and i'll try to advice or help!

11-16-2006, 01:50 PM
thanks auron.

it seems my anxiety/dpressioon.. my problem, at least, comes in stages.. or phases. and in sections. i get 2 weeks of "normal" and then 3 weeks "feeling crappy"

and each time its a new feeling. or sensation. the past few days have been this depersonalization.. and it is by far the most annoying and confounding thing

this tfeeling of not being oneself.... of being detached... not doing what you are really doing, being a spectator to your own life...

anyone else have this?

11-30-2006, 01:12 PM
You are not alone. I have the same thing - "normal" for a few weeks then I wake up in the depths of anxiety and depression symptoms. It's oftentimes triggered by stress or around my exam time.

You feel like you are going crazy. It's hard to explain. It's difficult to turn to friends/family. They do not understand - at least that is how I feel.

I feel alone.

I'm hoping to connect with like minded people here where I can find some solace.

12-03-2006, 07:37 AM
You are NOT alone..when i was at the bottom of my anxiety barrel my parents said "..pull yourself together or you'll have a nervous breakdown!.." nice one, thanks ma !! i found that RELAXATION is the only way..by controlled breathing / stilling the mind like self-hypnosis or meditation.

Good luck.

12-05-2006, 03:13 PM
I know exactly what you're talking about. There has never been a point in my life where i wasn't convinced i was dying from something and it just feels so ridiculous after the matter. theres days when im absolutely fine and then days that are just awful, I can't explain why. Anyways I, just the like rest, wanted you to know that you aren't the only one. I hope that's somewhat comforting because I know how hard it is to have no one understand. Take care.