View Full Version : Lexapro...thoughts?

08-30-2011, 11:47 PM
I've benn suffering from GAD for a few years but my panic has gotten much worse in the last 10 months or so. I started CBT a few months ago and it does seem to be helping. However I feel like ity might be time to start the Lexapro that my GP had suggested a while back. I do take .25mg of Xanax when I'm having anxiety or a panic attack that I feel is getting out ofbanff our that I can't seem to control. I'm nervous about taking the Lexapro because taking medicine in general makes me nervous. I read up on the possible side effects and of course paid super attention to the horrible ones that happen too 1 in 10000000000 people. Lol Any thoughts on this medicine? I just want to be able to be my old self again. I hate the constant worrying that I do and I just want to enjoy a normal life again. I know that I will have to continue with my CBT but I'm just thinking the Lexapro might give me a little boost in my process of beating this anxiety/panic issue.

08-31-2011, 08:14 AM
I think Lexapro's a pretty good drug side effect wise, the majority of people get some nausea and maybe a slight increase in anxiety to start, and then it goes. When I went on AD's I got every side effect under the sun, mega high blood pressure, suicidal thoughts, fainting, my goodness I was just in such a sensitive place, but ya know, it goes, like most things do eventually, it settles down, and after a few months you forget there were ever side effects there. I barely even remember what happened during my start up now, I just know it wasn't very nice at all, but I survived, like you will, and 90% of people have very little trouble anyway. I know you've heard it before, but seriously, DON'T READ UP ON MEDICAL STUFF :) If you do you'll probably be like me, and bring on half the symptoms psychosomatically lol!

I guess medication has a bad wrap, because people take a prescription, and thats all they do. If you're trying stuff, and you're still not where you want to be recovery wise, then yeah, maybe taking one isn't bad at all, and can help give you the relief anxiety sufferer's crave. I think for some people, medication is actually needed in order for them to recover. Not only would it fix a possible imbalance that might be there, but it also allows them to regain some normality before they have had a 5 year period of anxiety and the body has just developed it as a habit with no real cause. If you do take it, don't get lazy, still carry on trying to improve your life, and create a natural form of joy, always view the medicine as a temporary crutch until you regain solid footing. As I stated in an earlier thread, the British Health Association, found that by a significant amount, those that received the best recovery rates, were those who combined a treatment of both drugs, and therapy. If you think you might be helped by one, and what you've tried isn't really cutting it so far, then sure, it may well be worth serious consideration.


08-31-2011, 09:14 PM
Thank you so much for your responses. If I can get up enough nerve, I'm going to take my first dose tonight. I don't know why I'm so terrified of medicines that are supposed to help me! So irritating!

08-31-2011, 09:39 PM
It's really natural, don't sweat it :) I think anyone who takes any medicine is nervous to start with.

Let us know how it goes!

09-01-2011, 07:27 AM
I always get nervous taking meds i get convinced that i will go into shock and my throat will close up! i take setraline takes about a month to kick in but i dont have any side effects from it.

Be brave take them!

09-02-2011, 08:36 PM
Ok...took my first pill about 30 min ago. Still anxious about it. I hate this feeling.

09-03-2011, 10:12 PM
I gave in. I just didn't want to take the pill today. I feel bad for not trying harder but I just don't think I am ready.

09-03-2011, 10:52 PM
I gave in. I just didn't want to take the pill today. I feel bad for not trying harder but I just don't think I am ready.

It's not like you're giving up the ultimate anxiety cure by not taking Lexapro.Or even something that is guaranteed to help you.

09-04-2011, 04:45 AM
Dont worry about it try to forget about them and not stress because that will only make you worse!

09-05-2011, 06:52 AM
I have to ask what is this based one ??

just the more you stress yourself out about doing something the greater the anxiety will get around it!