View Full Version : Bad anxiety- low grade fever?

08-30-2011, 06:52 PM
The hypochondriac in me is freakin' out right now. I've been really stressed about some medical issues (long story, all physical and not related to anxiety, and not something that would typically cause fever). My stress the last couple days has made me feel warm and flushed, with that skin prickly hot from the inside out feeling. I took my temperature, and I actually am reading anywhere from 99.0 - 99.5 F.

Has anyone else ever had a fever during times of chronic anxiety/stress? I've read opposing arguments, some say no way can anxiety/stress temporarily increase body temperature. Some say it definitely does.

What have your experiences been?

08-30-2011, 07:33 PM
Sounds very much like anxiety is at play, even if it's not the culprit. Therefore I'm not going to even give it the courtesy of reassurance and say everything is fine, as to me it's an attention seeking entity that needs to be ignored, and if you gain reassurance now, it will simply demand it far more frequently in future.

Anxiety can cause flushing, and temporary rises in temperature. It could also have flaired up due to you having a virus. It can cause fluish symptoms.

Either way the outcome is the same, if you keep a high temperature for a couple of days, drink plenty of fluids and go to see your doctor just as a precautionary measure. If it goes, you may be able to know what caused it. Check it maybe every night, or every 8 hours, and not frequently as it may be tempting to do. If it does rise, do call your doctor, again just to be safe.

I'm afraid none of us have medical degree's :) and as you've mentioned you had previous health condition's, it's simply a case of keeping an eye on things, and if things persist, then get a proper evaluation.

Take care buddy.

09-01-2011, 09:46 AM
My GAD actually started with a small fever...
ever since that small fever - that can only be explained by anxiety, I've been feeling very weird ever since.