View Full Version : that time of the month
08-29-2011, 10:26 PM
hi there! iv been working on my anxiety recovery for awhile now, and it's going great! The last couple of weeks were the best iv had since all this anxiety crap started. But every month just when it seems things are going great, as soon as my menstraul cycle starts my anxiety gets bad again. a couple days after i start things seems to settle back down. I know it's the hormonal changes that cause it, it's just frustrating. I'm wondering if any other women experince this? I was also thinking if birth control could possibly help with the hormonal changes? any advice would be apprecaiated :)
08-30-2011, 05:55 AM
hey acasey! i am just beginning to realise that i ALSO seem to be more anxious (and insecure) at that time of the month. I don't know why I never ppin-pointed it sooner. I mean I always knew I felt a bit blah during that some, but not it's so obvious that is the time when I really feel "anxious" and I do wonder what we can do about it - we can't keep dreading that time of the month now can we??
08-30-2011, 08:46 AM
hi i get it too, also mine when really bad just after i had my baby its settled down again but yeh every month i notice a bad few days before my period!
08-30-2011, 06:55 PM
I definitely get worse before and during my period. Typically that is when I will sometimes wake up in the night in the throes of a panic attack for no reason. Definitely normal. My doctor and I talked about temporarily increasing my clonazepam dose during that week only or taking an extra .125mg (1/4 tablet) when I wake up to help me calm down again. The best thing that helps me is to distract myself- ready funny garbage on the internet, listen to some relaxing music, and deep breaths. Sometimes my boyfriend will rub my neck a bit to help me calm down, which helps. Hot baths are great too.
I used to turn to eating copious amounts of chocolate, but I've found that taking a calcium/vitD supplement and a B12 supplement when PMS starts helps get me through with minimal cravings and I notice a difference in my daytime stress levels.
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