View Full Version : Boyfriends little brother......

08-29-2011, 07:55 PM

I don't know what to do....
My boyfriends little brother keeps running away from home after his parents got divorced. His mum is so upset because of him disapearing on her all the time.... Recently, he became a sex adict and cocaine abuser. All of his family are worried sick, there's been threats of court, jail, harm and so much other countless stuff. He's been forced to live with his sister and her husband and their 3 kids but he causes too much trouble and has no care at all for their safety. He's even threatend to kill himself and he's always posting nasty messages about his family on facebook

It's hurting my boyfriend so much because its his little brother... And when my bf hurts I hurt....

Anyone have any advice???

P.S his brother is only 13!!!

09-07-2011, 03:12 AM
Does he have any health or psychological problems? I suggest trying to get all the family to speak with him and get him help