View Full Version : Mild anxiety, undiagnosed. Help?

08-27-2011, 07:20 PM
Hey everyone,

I've been battling with mild anxiety for quite sometime now, but I've gotten to the point where each year it seems to get worse and worse. I have decided that I should do something about it and finally see a doctor regarding this problem.

Now before I get into my anxiety problem I want to give a brief description about myself. I am a university student currently in my 3rd year of studies. I am 22 years old, I have a girlfriend and I have a good set of friends I would say.

I regularly goto the gym 5-6 times a week and I take creatine which enhances my performance in the gym.

Anxiety Problem:

Whenever I am indoors in a restaurant I can't eat. I don't know why, I just can't seem to eat the food and it feels when I'm about to swallow the food I will throw it up.. like gagging.

I can eat in outdoor restaurant...

I get anxiety in classroom setting, when everything is quiet in the class my mind just goes places and I start getting racing heart, and feeling of nausea. If I'm doing something say, I'm talking with people I won't get anxiety..

I get anxiety when I take the bus, i feel nausea..

I don't mind the racing heart it doesn't bother me.. I just always get the sensation of nausea and it feels like I'm going to throw up, and it is the worst feeling ever.. I've never thrown up.. but it just feels awful and it really disrupts my day..

I decline friends when they wanna go out for dinner or when people ask me to come to formal dinners.. i don't know what it is about them I just can't do it? even though I'm so hungry for some reason I can't eat..

When I get home i eat so much its really weird. I can eat lots with people I am comfortable with.

I also get anxiety in shopping malls when there are lots of people.. i get the sensation of nausea and i usually have to get out and go outside to calm myself down..

It's weird tho shopping malls lots of people I get anxiety, but when I goto the bars/clubs I don't get anxiety there.. even when I'm not drinking..! weird!

Also I sometimes think to myself I shouldn't eat a lot before I go somewhere.. like university or the malls, because i'll get the sensation of nausea.. I'm fine at concerts etc.. sigh.. what is my problem!


I was looking into medication..

and I read that Beta Blockers might be the best for me? to block the sensation of fight/flight response? maybe too much adrenaline coming from my heart causing all these sensations.

Any feedback would be awesome!

Im scheduled to see the doctor next week

08-27-2011, 07:26 PM
Is anxiety mainly worse around people, or alone?

I would talk to your doctor before trying any medication, and try some CBT, it will teach you a new way of thinking in order to lessen the flight or fight response the body feels. Once you learn to play down the stimulus that is causing the anxiety, the body will eventually slow down the release of adrenaline, without the nasty side effect's of beta -blockers.

08-27-2011, 07:46 PM
I never get anxiety when I'm alone. It's only in social settings. But not every social setting. Does that make sense?

I was working this month counting ballots for elections which filled a floor of about 70 people. I was fine on that floor. One day they told us we can't use one of the doors to leave the floor, and this door was near my cubicle. After they said we can't use that door and had to use the main entrance I had anxiety everyday after that.

I guess my anxiety roots that I feel I can't get out of a situation? When at work our CEO made us get up and come to the front because he was doing a speech, I felt anxiety standing there, because I felt that I had to stay there and listen and I wouldn't be able to leave because it would be rude/embarrassing.

During exams, instead of thinking of what the answer/question is... I'm thinking to myself "Oh my god, I need to go pee so badly, and I can't leave.. and I'm saying to myself.. okay finish this test as fast as you can and then you can go and pee."

The funny thing is, after I finish writing the exam and leave the class, I don't have the sensation of needing to urinate.. ! it is really frustrating.

Also when I'm writing exams during university, I feel I have to stay during the exam and I can't leave to goto the washroom or anything like that. So I feel trapped in the classroom needing to finish my exam quickly so i can leave.

I also have problem, like, when I'm nervous/anxiety I always feel like I need to urinate, and my bladder fills up really fast.. it's REALLY annoying. :-/

08-27-2011, 08:02 PM
Thanks :)

It's not exactly if something happens it's more like. What if I have to vomit, I can't leave quickly through that door I'd have to go around the long way to leave to the bathroom.. something like that.. but pretty similar to what you said, haha.

I don't know I'll talk to my doctor about it, hopefully something will work

How do you do CBT?

08-27-2011, 09:50 PM
Thanks for the reply it was very insightful and explained a few things to me.

Yeah my anxiety isn't that bad at all. I can still do normal things, like play soccer, swimming, gym and I am a healthy person as well! I guess I am just psychologically weak haha, oh well.

Reading a bunch of posts on here has really helped me to look at my anxiety from a different angle. Next time I get it, I will stop myself and try to cope and figure out a way to stop it. I already want to goto public places and just test myself, just face my "fear" and if I get vomit sensation then just stick through it.

I've done it before where I just sit in my cubicle and sit through it, I'd say my anxiety, flight/fight response lasts anywhere from 1 minute to 2 minutes, and then I'm fine for the rest of the day.

But just going through those 1-2 minutes is very stressful for me because I "fear" anxiety, I fear having that fight/flight response as I'm sure everyone does as well!
