View Full Version : Work and Anxiety Don't Mix!

08-26-2011, 07:31 PM
My Anxiety has been over the top for the last two weeks, and it seems like there is no cause. I work as a server and at times I feel like im going to be sick and my head spins. This happens even when there are only 2 people in the entire restaurant... so I don't think its related to work. It happens so randomly, and I start to feel ill. I have had to go home multiple times because I'm convinced I have the flu, but then as soon as I have time to calm down I realize it was all in my head. I have xanax for the times I think I'm having an anxiety attack but its hard to focus when I take it. And honestly, I never think I'm having an attack when it happens... I think I'm litterally sick! I guess I should mention that about 2 weeks ago I started takeing Celexa because my dr thought I needed a daily medication. That just made my anxiety worse, so I decieded to switch to Zoloft (my sis and mom are on it). For that reason I though it might work well with my body chemistry. This is day 3 and I felt fine at first, but today I felt sick again.

I don't know if I sould continue on my medication and give it more time, or just stop... I feel like my life is being taken over by my anxiety and I don't really know what to do.

08-26-2011, 08:53 PM
Maybe there's something natural you could use in stressful moments, I know many people with anxiety fall in love with chamomile tea, or lavender oil.

Hopefully as time goes on, you'll be able to identify the patterns that keep repeating, and you'll be able to identify anxiety, and will then be able to deal with it in an experienced way. How long has it been happening now? If you're a reader, the Linden Method is an ebook that is a great place to start, and The Anxiety And Phobia Workbook is great and available on Amazon.

I would definetly give the Celexa more time, it takes many people around 6-8 weeks to feel the effects, and actually what you feel now is probably the anti-depressant making things temporarily worse, as it readjusts your chemistry to correct levels. Things should settle down within a week to a month, but hopefully a lot sooner, and if for some reason things don't improve, go to see your doctor, they'll readjust everything accordinly, you shouldn't have to suffer this, there are many various treatments that help, it just takes time to find them :)