View Full Version : I feel like a loser

08-26-2011, 06:34 PM
Everyone that I went to school with is doing something with their lives and I'm far behind. Its my depression and anxiety that is making it so hard to move forward. I feel like I'm a piece of shit compared to everyone else. I don't know how to help myself anymore. Meds, I'm better off of them. Counseling and therapy, neither work. I feel like I am totally stuck!

09-07-2011, 03:19 AM
I sometimes feel the same as you do. I know it's really hard. When I'm in a good mood and I suddenly compare myself to people that I use to be friends with or went to school with, it immediately puts me down. I feel like NOTHING! I even sometimes think to myself as to why should I even try if I'm not going to accomplish anything compared to them. It adds on to my already 24hr anxiety I have to deal with. Gets me so depressed.

09-07-2011, 08:08 AM
I feel you. Everybody I went to school with has now graduated this month, and are set in to jobs, have families, and generally look pretty happy.

I've just learnt to ignore it. Afterall, we never know what happens to people in life. I once knew a young lady, she had it all great health, great looks, rich parents, she was balanced everyone loved her, I developed some bitterness towards her, as her life seemed so easy compared to mine. She's now battling breast cancer.

I just try to take a day at a time now, and avoid making assumptions. I keep reminding myself that I never know how life will turn out. The peaks and valleys people will experience. Maybe this detour has saved me from something tragic later down the road. Maybe I'm forever doomed. I really can't know. Things are as they are, I became so exhausted trying to work out what things mean that I can't be bothered to anymore. I now feel the same way around homeless people and rich people. I gave up trying to fill in these grey areas of life. It doesn't accomplish anything doing it, and wastes the little energy I have. I now just watch life, and flow with it, instead of trying to push against a 50ft wave. Life does what it wants anyway. I do my best and leave the rest down to God, nature, chance. They have the final say anyway when all's said and done.

Just my coping mechanism really.