View Full Version : help with problems please

08-25-2011, 10:52 PM
Hello everyone. I haven't really said my story yet... This will be long. I apologize in advance.

On February 26, 2010, one of my closest family members passed away from her fourth account of breast cancer. I occasionally relive the last time I saw her in great detail. I cried at her funeral and haven't shed a tear since. After her death I didn't leave my house for anything but school. My 'friends' didn't bother talking to me during this time. I was alone.

In the summer I became depressed. Seriously considered suicide. I tried talking to my parents, but it was like standing below a gavel in court. They didn't understand they couldn't help me. They thought it was for attention. I promised them I wouldn't be 'that way' ever again.

Anxiety has been around for as long as I can remember. I've had the same symptoms too. A tightness in the center of my chest, not being able to get enough air, sweating profusely with a pounding heart that I can hear in my ears. As a child I was afraid my stuffed animals would kill me in my sleep. Then I was afraid of dark mirrors or being grabbed while alone in the dark. Also I have escape routes in case someone tries to murder me and my family. Now I have attacks over those things, along with the health of my beloved dog (my family jokes about her dying), what I look like/ how I am perceived , and being around many people/center of attention. It's really getting hard to breathe in the most recent ones. My mom thinks it's all in my head.

Also I don't believe in anything. But I pretend to for my family's sake. I also don't show much emotions around most people. Now you know the basis of everything. I'm really trying to ask my parents to seek professional help but I can't seem to get any farther than the tip of my tongue. Is it all in my head? Am I just being a silly 16 year old? I know the answers to these questions but I still fear I'm an attention-seeking monster. Does anyone know how to talk to my parents? Thank you so much for advice in advance!