View Full Version : When did you realize that anxiety is the cause of your problems?

08-25-2011, 11:15 AM
Like, how many doctors did you go through and researched the Internet or w/e until you finally accepted that it is actually anxiety not some deadly disease that is causing all these weird symptoms?
I still find it hard to believe that it is anxiety/stress/depression and nothing actually physically wrong.

08-25-2011, 11:22 AM
I got referred to a therapist from my psychologist after Anoerexia. They in turn listened to me and diagnosed me. It's hard to believe it is just anxiety because it causes so much upset and is actually quite painful. But it is, its a harsh reality that you must come to terms with.

08-25-2011, 12:22 PM
Every single day for the past month I've been trying to find diseases that fit my symptoms, today I was confirmed I don't have Lyme's or Sinusitis... Tomorrow I will hopefully be confirmed that I don't have tick borne encephalitis, that would devastate me. I'm so nervous right now that I can't even sleep today...I need to be confirmed that it isn't tick borne encephalitis right away and If it is I will maybe faint or something... =(
I haven't had a high fever that usual comes with a tick borne encephalitis so that is a comforting thought....
Anyway I will see a neurologist ASAP and rule out any neurological conditions, after that I can breathe easier and start to deal with my anxiety/stress/depression, but right now it is really hard for me and I'm losing my mind.
Also I just started AD's so I need to get used to them and find one that fits me the best, that might take a while tho....

08-25-2011, 02:14 PM
My last doctors visit. He said we've done all the tests for your symptoms, if you have a disease it will eventually present itself or surface. Until then, accept it's anxiety and start living your life as if there is no underlying medical condition.

08-25-2011, 08:28 PM
It took me a good six months of tests and drs visits and research, before finally something clicked in my head and i accepted it was all anxiety. Once I did that it did help with the symptoms a bit, as i knew it was nothing bad and that it wuld be okay.

08-25-2011, 11:49 PM
Forwells, you seem experienced in this so what medication should I avoid and what should I do?
Also is having a kind of heavy head feeling all the time a normal symptom?
I am young and I just started having these weird and annoying physical symptoms a month ago and I'm really scared and confused.

08-26-2011, 07:55 AM
Things checked; blood pressure, blood analysis, Lyme's, encephalitis, sinusitis, eyes, ears, skin... All were perfectly fine.
The only thing left to do is go to a neurologist and completely scan my head but I don't think I have some neurological disease because I haven't had a head trauma nor do I do drugs...

So if everything is fine at the neurologist as well I'll just accept it is anxiety/stress/depression, even tho it seems kind of unbelievable to me that it can cause such physical pains.

08-26-2011, 11:29 AM
My problem isnt knowing that something isnt physically wrong, but mentally wrong. I constantly question if what I hear or see is real or if I see something in the corner of my eye I HAVE to investigate it and make sure I wasnt seeing anything. Its weird but I need constant reminding that Im not crazy or that Its just anxiety