View Full Version : Need an opinion

08-24-2011, 08:13 PM
Just wanted some opinions on some symptoms I've been feeling more often lately.

I don't have an official diagnosis of GAD or anything but there are many members of my family with diagnoses and I've felt for a long time I also have GAD.

My typical symptoms are not sleeping well (trouble falling asleep and staying asleep), irritable, high levels of frustration (and at times anger), difficulty focusing even during enjoyable tasks, etc.

These are typical things I have felt on and off for the last 10 years or so. However, lately something else has been happening a lot more. I feel disconnected from situations. I can be in a conversation with a friend, doing an mundane task at work, playing baseball - but I feel like I'm not really there. I guess I could describe it as auto-pilot. It was once in awhile but lately I've been feeling this more often. It's not that I am thinking of other things, or have a lot on my mind either. Most times I am not drifting away because I'm thinking of complex or important things.

Any opinions or ideas? I appreciate it.

08-25-2011, 10:47 AM
Hi Canada,

From a totally personal experience of course, the symptoms you mentioned sound more like the symptoms one would find in depression. For me personally, the drifting away, irritibility and anger, and concentration problems, where symptoms I felt once my anxiety had sort of passed a great deal, and I realized I was dealing with the depression caused by lowered serotonin.

Seeing as depression and anxiety are so co-morbid anyway, I'm sure you'll have a lot of symptoms that over lap, and there is usually lots of anxiety present for those dealing with depression.

Have you looked at the thread named 'Anxiety Symptoms' to see how many match yours?

All the best,