View Full Version : New and realizing I need help!

08-24-2011, 11:57 AM
Hi all,

My name is Taylor and I'm 25 as of two days ago. I've been through a pretty busy year. I'm not trying to write a novel, but I'm just trying to get it all out!

On January 31st I was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). I was in the hospital for eight days while they were trying to run tests to confirm (we had an ice storm so pathology couldn't get out), and then two days later on the 10th of February I started my first real job. I got engaged on March 20th, and the wedding is coming up quickly on November 12th of this year. I'm also converting to Catholicism (not because of my fiancee or anything) and the process will be done soon, but it's been a long process that I'd hoped was going to be over with quickly. The priest who is in charge of me also had to leave two weeks ago so I'm picking up with another priest. Also, my dad is going through a divorce. And, I am about $90,000 in debt due to student loans and medical bills (medical bills are the bulk). The medicine I'm on is treating the leukemia amazingly well, yet a potential side effect known as "sudden death" can rarely occur; I am clear of this but it has been something in the back of my mind that I've only recently gotten over.

A little history of my anxiety. When I was in the 3rd grade, I had panic attacks when it was "quiet time" at lunch that lasted a few weeks. And then in 10th or 11th grade I had some panic attacks when I was in the band room--we had 150 people in the band and my section sat in the middle. This lasted a week, during which I was put on a trial pack of paxil. Whether that helped or not, I had no problems until recently.

I've always been a very laid back and easy going person, very phlegmatic. Anyway, I was going to propose to my fiance on March 19th, but the weather didn't work out, so I decided to do it the next day. I woke up, had a nice hot shower and a big cup of coffee, without eating because we were going to go to the park and have breakfast. But as I was driving I felt weird, and when I got to her apartment I started to feel very strange, and suddenly I felt faint and my heart rate shot up. I jumped up and ran, then fell on the ground telling her to call 911, then I started shaking and dry heaving. I thought I was having the "sudden death" thing happen. I went to the ER but everything was fine. About three weeks later of no problems, I had had a cup or two of coffee in the evening--I'm not a strange of caffeine; before my diagnosis I was drinking three cups a day to fight the fatigue--then I was woken up by a loud text message on the phone (I had forgotten to turn it to silent). I was disoriented and then as I laid back down I had the same thing happen, and I was up all night with a high heart rate.

Anyway, during the days I was usually fine, but I started to wake up in the middle of the night, either with insomnia (can be caused by the meds), or with a racing heart. Once it was racing so fast I thought I was having another problem, so I called an ambulance. I decided to ask my oncologist for some Ativan to use as needed, since anxiety is common in cancer patients. In June I finally took a pill because three evenings in a row I was having some anxiety, and on the third night I seriously thought I was losing my mind because feelings were just out of control. It helped calm me down and I had been pretty good since. I was sleeping better, and I could forgo panic attacks, and if I had a bout of anxiety I was doing great on breathing to calm it down. I hadn't really had any palpitations or PVCs in the last two or three weeks either.

Then yesterday at work I got some great news about some lab results, and I guess I just got kind of keyed up there and I didn't realize what was happening--good news shouldn't make you go into panic mode, right?. Eventually my heart was pouding and my head started to hurt, and I couldn't think clearly to try to take an Ativan (which I don't like to do, I took one another time to try to help me sleep and I felt like it made me a bit more anxious), and I thought I was having chest pains for the first time, so I went to my car in the parking lot and called an ambulance. I ended up going home and I took today off.

Needless to say, I realized I need help! Other than an obvious point of excitement yesterday, I can't find any triggers to my anxiety. I'm fine alone, or in groups; at work or at a party. I have to deal with people on the phone that I've never met and I don't have any problems with that. But sometimes I'll be doing some work quietly (I have to write a lot for my job), and looking at something and I just feel that feeling closing in on me. I have to sit back and say, "What, why is this coming on now, I'm just looking at my friend's facebook pics!" and do some breathing to get it to subside. It's very frustrated, but I've contacted a counselor and hope to start meeting to see what I can do to help myself. I also thought I would try to get on some discussion boards too and see if I can get support as well as give it, the best that I can.

So, sorry for the long post. Hi all!

08-24-2011, 12:59 PM
Dude, for a 25 yr old you have been through hell eh?!

Hi Taylor, I'm Amy. I have been a long time sufferer also though i am not on meds now (3 yrs without in feb) i still suffer everyday and barriers are constantly being put up etc. My anxiety is a little different to yours i think. with med bills i assume your american/canadian?? I have read alot of experiences and life stories of people that have to pay for medical appointments/treatment etc and it seems that there isnt a lot of support for mental illness. I noticed a reccuring thing when you speak about your anxiety which is the quiet?? also looking at the 'sudden death bit' probably doesnt help if you think your going to die at any point. If you have any questions or need to vent i am here....

So go nuts if ya need to, nothing phases me :)

Your not alone


08-24-2011, 01:40 PM
Thanks Amy! Yes, I suppose it's a lot; I tried to downplay it but it really is! I never even had to time adjust to having cancer...in fact I didn't even cry about it or really show any emotion other than annoyance until last night when my fiancee came over to be with me.

I suppose quiet is a part of it, yes. It's a lot when I'm quiet and focusing on something that I feel the anxiety crop up the most; even if what I'm doing isn't quiet necessarily, like watching some TV on the computer right now, I feel myself getting hot and a little agitated like a wave of something is wanting to come. I'm kind of an extroverted introvert, so quiet is where I'm more happy, like reading or writing, but I can go out and have fun too. So it's a weird thing for me to have something like that be a trigger, but I've never made that connection...thanks!

Yep, I'm in the USA...I was 3 months away from having health insurance but the hospital is very kind on my repayment terms...my medicine is also very expensive (around $8,000 a month) but with my insurance now it's $150, which is a lot, but considering the alternative...

Yeah, the sudden death thing is hard, but I finally got over that bit...it would be the result of a heart thing that is monitored with EKGs and I'm always fine on that, even when I went to the ER. But then when I have a panic attack or a strong wave of anxiety, I get irritated about my heart rate and kind of worried about that in general.

I do find if I'm a little hot then I get more agitated easily, but the heat sensitive could be due to my meds as well. It's pretty frustrating determining what is a side effect of my meds (there are quite a few).

The most annoying for me I think is when I suddenly notice my heart rate is high for no reason...I mean like 110, which isn't very bad, but then I get distracted by dwelling on it and the palpitations, trying to figure out why it's doing it, why breathing control isn't helping, etc.

Thanks for listening!

08-25-2011, 02:57 AM
Yeah the quiet does it to me too,

I think its because there isnt an escape from your thoughts, t.v. and computer time isnt enough of a distraction to cut through the anxiety. The only thing that helps me at home is generally reading as i get so involved in the book to such a point that hours slip by un-noticed. $8k a month!!!!!! Fuc**ng hell!!! Think the U.S. isnt particularly fair when it comes to medical billing. God imagine if your insurance didnt cover it...

when you focus on your attack as it happens, in a way thats a good thing, but you must try to see it lodgically (which i understand is hard when you feel like keeling over) see it for what it is. No one has ever died from a panic attack...ever!!! its just a feeling, but whats more annoying is this feeling loves to team up with your heart and your brain just to kick you down.

But you have been through cancer, you will beat this too. Your obviously strong willed, so use it to your advantage.

Have you considered CBT??


06-15-2012, 11:42 AM
I understand where ur coming from I suffer rom
The same if u have Facebook add me it's keightley john